State Sen. Kevin Lundberg (R-Berthoud), who’s running for state treasurer, is touting his endorsement by David Barton, who’s on the anti-LGBT hate list of the Southern Law Poverty Center (SPLC), which monitors “hate groups and other extremists throughout the United States.”
Gay couples compared to “space aliens” at rally for Alliance Defending Freedom client
UPDATE: Alliance Defending Freedom and Colorado Christian University’s Centennial Institute requested a clarification that CCU was the organizer of the event and that it invited Alliance Defending Freedom. The post has been updated to reflect the Centennial Institute’s role as organizing entity. The source for the original assertion was ADF’s Facebook event page, which says: “Hosted by Jeff Hunt, Centennial Institute, Alliance Defending Freedom,” as well as CCU’s website, “Join Jack Phillips, Colorado Christian University, Alliance Defending Freedom, and faith leaders from around Colorado for a rally.”
Rally set for baker who discriminated against gay couple
A rally for Jack Phillips, the baker who refused to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple, is set for Wed., Nov. 8, at Colorado Christian University’s Event Center.
Christian baker involved in Supreme Court case asked to bake a cake for Satan
The Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple on religious grounds received another cake order last month that probably didn’t jive with his Christian beliefs: a birthday cake for Satan.
These Colorado Republicans are embracing extremist Senate candidate Roy Moore
Despite his record of bigotry and extremism, some Colorado Republicans embraced hardline conservative Christian Roy Moore after his upset over incumbent Luther Strange in Alabama’s U.S. Senate GOP primary election this week.
Colorado lawmaker joins hate group in demonizing transgender individuals
Colorado State Rep. Lori Saine, a Republican from Firestone, shared an article on Facebook from the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) that condemns what it refers to as “gender ideology” and claims that the acceptance of transgender people amounts to child abuse.
GOP congressional candidate calls me a “F.A.G.” as part of claim he’s not bigoted against transgender people
If you read my columns, then you are probably familiar with Casper Stockham. He’s the former GOP congressional candidate who regularly posts 100% fake news on his Facebook wall and calls anyone who disagrees with him a racist.
It’s no longer acceptable to attack gay people, so conservative bigots pivot to attacking transgender children
This post is about one individual, but I must preface it by saying that the former GOP legislator Shawn Mitchell is not the only one. Since support for LGBTQ causes has risen to the point where it would be foolish to admit bigotry, conservatives have pivoted to attacking the one group they still feel it is OK to ridicule: Transgender Americans (especially children).
ADF attorney summarizes timeline and arguments to SCOTUS in Masterpiece Cakeshop baker
Colorado has become a focal point in the national legal battle which pits public accommodation laws against religious freedom protections, with yesterday’s announcement that the U.S. Supreme court had agreed to hear arguments in the case of Jack Phillips, proprietor of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, who refused to serve a gay couple seeking a wedding cake for their same sex marriage celebration.
Colorado progressive groups just issued report cards for state legislators. See how yours stack up.
A coalition of Colorado grassroots groups launched a website Tuesday where constituents can find rankings for their state representatives.