Despite Thursday’s near-freezing temperatures, hundreds of protesters, including more than a hundred dressed as “handmaids”, greeted Vice President Mike Pence at his Denver fundraising event at the Denver Marriott Tech Center.
Vicki Marble invites me to go out for “soul food”
State Sen. Vicki Marble (R-Fort Collins) isn’t shying away from her controversial remarks on race and diet that became the partial subject of a national news story this month after an 11-year-old cub scout was kicked out of his den for asking Marble some tough questions.
Will protesters outnumber attendees at Pence’s Denver appearance?
Vice President Mike Pence is scheduled to speak at a Republican Party fundraiser in Denver Thursday, and unsurprisingly, local activists are planning to show up in big numbers to protest his appearance.
State Sen. Vicki Marble still can’t stop talking about “Soul Food”
News of Colorado state Sen. Vicki Marble’s interaction with an 11-year-old cub scout who questioned her about gun violence made national headlines after he was kicked out of his den last week.
GOP leader wants me to grow up, man up, and accept his fake news
Rep. Patrick Neville, the leader of the Colorado House Republicans, has called me a “snowflake” for politely asking him, in a blog post last week, to remove news from his Facebook page that’s been retracted by CBS and the Associated Press.
Tancredo removes fake news from Facebook page
Former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, the Colorado Republican who’s considering another run for governor, has cleansed his Facebook page of the fake news that Obama honored Harvey Weinstein, among other Democrats accused of sexual assault.
The Colorado GOP’s circular firing squad, 2017 edition
Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Robinson, who’s Mitt Romney’s nephew, told KNUS’ Dan Caplis Monday that he and four other Republican candidates agreed at a forum that they won’t “do the circular firing squad,” and, instead, they’ll “try to be supportive” of one another.
DeVos and state lawmaker discuss shuttering Education Department
In a Facebook post this week, State Sen. Owen Hill (R-Colorado Springs) wrote that he’d talked with Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos about her “being the last secretary of education.”
Elbert County School Board member gets high praise for removing fake news from Facebook page
Showing the kind of respect for facts that you’d expect from a school board member, Scott Wills yesterday removed a meme he’d shared Oct. 14 on his Facebook page depicting a Hillary Clinton quote that’s widely been proven to be fake. Here’s the quote from the meme:
Christian baker involved in Supreme Court case asked to bake a cake for Satan
The Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple on religious grounds received another cake order last month that probably didn’t jive with his Christian beliefs: a birthday cake for Satan.