Dudley Brown, a gun lobbyist who runs both Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and the National Association for Gun Rights, sent out a fundraising email soon after Sunday night’s devastating mass shooting in Las Vegas, the bloodiest in American history.
Colorado GOP official joins Trump in bashing Puerto Rico Mayor, spreads fake news
The new chairman of El Paso County’s Republican Party followed President Trump’s lead in criticizing San Juan, Puerto Rico, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz after she begged him to “save [them] from dying” in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
These Colorado Republicans are embracing extremist Senate candidate Roy Moore
Despite his record of bigotry and extremism, some Colorado Republicans embraced hardline conservative Christian Roy Moore after his upset over incumbent Luther Strange in Alabama’s U.S. Senate GOP primary election this week.
Environmental groups say Hickenlooper’s climate plan needs to be more aggressive
Two major state environmental groups released a report last week that argues Colorado isn’t doing enough to combat climate change and reach the goals laid out in the Paris Agreement.
Colorado Republicans call McCain a “media whore” and more
U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is under fierce attack by some Colorado conservatives, after he played a key role in torpedoing GOP bills to kill Obamacare.
Jeffco’s 2016 Trump campaign chair also backs a Coffman primary challenge
Laurel Imer, the 2016 chair of the Trump campaign in Jefferson County, agrees with former Congressman Tom Tancredo that U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) should face a primary challenger.
Protesters to Gardner: You advocated for bipartisanship and an open process two weeks ago
Hundreds of protesters gathered at Denver’s Skyline Park against the most recent iteration of the GOP’s Obamacare replacement Friday.
With women’s health programs threatened under Obamacare replacement bill, activists launch video that asks, “What do these objects have in common?”
With funds for Planned Parenthood and women’s health programs on the chopping block in the latest GOP Obamacare replacement bill, ProgressNow Colorado has launched its “Keep Abortion Safe” campaign, built around a video showing a series of objects, including a jar of cinnamon, a bottle of bleach, a crochet hook, and a coat hanger, all of which women have used to induce abortions when their access to clinics was restricted.
State Sen. likes that police chanted “whose streets, our streets” while arresting protesters
Colorado State Sen. Vicki Marble, a Republican from Fort Collins, was apparently pleased that St. Louis police chanted “whose streets, our streets” while arresting people protesting the acquittal of a former officer who murdered a black man.
Gardner wants Obamacare replacement to make Colorado better, but new GOP bill would make things worse
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) has told multiple reporters he’s undecided on the latest GOP bill to kill Obamacare, in part, as he told KOA radio this morning, because he wants to see “whether Colorado is better or worse” under the legislation.