The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down a California law that sought to regulate anti-abortion pregnancy centers, often referred to as Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs).
Anti-Abortion Group Says Two Top GOP Candidates for Governor Are Dodging Abortion Questions
Colorado Campaign for Life, a statewide anti-abortion group, says two leading Republican candidates for governor won’t answer specific questions about abortion.
Trump’s attempt to defund Planned Parenthood won’t work in Colorado. Here’s why.
When the Trump Administration proposed a new rule last month to strip federal funding from abortion providers nationwide, many saw it as an attack on Planned Parenthood, which the president has repeatedly said he’d like to “defund.”
This Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Center is Belittling Similar Groups for Not Offering Medical Care
A religious anti-abortion pregnancy center is attempting to distinguish itself from similar groups, even though it uses almost identical language to describe the services it offers to women and the same omissions to hide what it won’t provide: abortions and some forms of birth control.
A Leading GOP Candidate for Governor Says He Once Voted to Ban All Abortion in Colorado
A leading Republican candidate for governor told a talk radio host Saturday that he voted for a constitutional amendment that, if it hadn’t been overwhelmingly defeated by Colorado voters, would have banned all abortion, even for rape, and possibly some forms of birth control.
Students for Life Invokes Abortion-Neutral RAINN in Campaign Urging Rape Survivors Not to Choose Abortion
As part of its “We Care” tour, the anti-abortion organization Students for Life is attempting to convince rape survivors on college campuses who have become pregnant not to chose abortion.
Congressman “Honored” To Receive Award From Family Research Council, An SPLC-Designated Hate Group
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) told his Facebook friends last week that he was “honored to receive the ‘True Blue’ award for my voting record from the Family Research Council (FRC).”
Denver Mayor’s support for anti-abortion group raises questions about his stance on reproductive rights
Denver’s Democratic Mayor Michael Hancock appears to have helped fundraise for an event earlier this year meant to “celebrate the joy of life” and support anti-abortion pregnancy centers.
Colorado Dems just introduced one of the most progressive reproductive health bills in the U.S.
Democratic state lawmakers introduced a bill yesterday that aims to increase access to all reproductive care and protect Coloradans from the Trump administration’s rollbacks.
Colorado’s Democratic and Republican Party platforms reflect fundamental differences
Colorado Democrats and Republicans approved their 2018 party platforms at their state conventions earlier this month, and they show stark differences on issues ranging from tax policy and gun control to healthcare and abortion.