In response to a statement by U.S. Senate leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that Colorado and other states “use the bankruptcy route” to deal with budget shortfalls resulting from COVID-19, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock today called on Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) to use his influence on McConnell “to stand up for Colorado and to fight for Denverites and other cities around the nation.”
Latest posts - Page 47
Pandemic Shows Why Medicaid, a Health Insurance Program for the Poor, Is So Valuable to Rural Colorado, Say Experts
Earlier this year, just before the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration launched a program allowing states opt out of traditional Medicaid, the state-federal health insurance program for low-income people, and instead receive a block grant from the federal government.
Cardboard Cory to Star in Video Series & Short Documentary
One of the many surprisingly effective qualities of the cardboard cutout of U.S. Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO), which was built to highlight the senator’s decision not to hold town-hall meetings for years, is how photogenic it is, especially when it interacts with real humans.
After Saying He Wouldn’t Wear a Mask, Ken Buck Posts Photo of Himself Wearing One With Fellow Congressmen
When you’ve been writing coronavirus stories and almost nothing else for a month (and seeing your wife, mother, and almost no one else), you naturally wonder if you’re hallucinating when you see an April 21 Facebook photo of fully-masked Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) on an airplane–after you were sure he said the week before that he had no plans to wear a mask on an airplane trip to Washington D.C.
Poll: Low-Income and Young Coloradans Support Stay-at-Home Order–And Are Most Likely to Be Working Away From Home
A clear majority of Coloradans, 64%, especially urban women (72%), seniors (70%), and African Americans (76%), support government orders to stay at home, and keep businesses closed, in order to slow this spread of COVID-19. Young people also overwhelmingly support the orders.
Colo GOP Elects Tea Party Activist to Nat’l Post
If you’re looking for smoke signals that Colorado Republicans will moderate their views to appeal to Unaffiliated voters who decide Colorado elections these days, stop reading this article now.
In Defiance of Colo Governor, Congressman Will Attend Church May 3
Saying “we will not get through this mess without the blessing of God,” U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) told a conservative radio host Thursday that he will apparently defy Gov. Jared Polis’ (D-CO) orders and go to church May 3, one week from this coming Sunday.
Colo Rally Against Stay-at-Home Order Was ‘Effective,’ Says Trump Adviser
Calling COVID-19 an “urban disease” and an “old person’s disease,” Trump adviser Stephen Moore praised Colorado’s weekend protest against stay-at-home orders as “effective” in advancing Moore’s goal of reopening the economy quickly.
‘Health Force’ Would Be Like Depression-Era Public Works Programs, Says Sen. Bennet
U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) unveiled legislation today that would provide $110 billion over two years for a public health workforce that would assist with COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, outreach, and ultimately vaccinations.
“If Coloradans Can Protest Safely, Please Rest Assured We Can Return to Work Safely,” Say Colo GOP Lawmakers
Twenty-four state lawmakers sent a letter to Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) yesterday, calling for a county-by-county approach to re-opening the state and alleging that protesters practicing safe social distancing over the weekend proved that the state can re-open safely.