A new billboard facing west on I-70 near Colorado’s border with Utah reads “Welcome to Colorado, where you can get a safe, legal abortion.”
Lawmaker Who Said Blacks And Whites Were Lynched At Equal Rates Now Pushing Bill To Ban Abortion
Colorado State Rep. Lori Saine, who grabbed headlines last week after claiming that whites and blacks were lynched in nearly equal numbers, is pushing a bill that would criminalize all abortion by defining life as starting at conception.
OPINION: The Pro-Choice Movement Needs To Stop With The Pregnant Belly Photos
I work in the reproductive rights field. Every day my colleagues and I work to destigmatize abortion and encourage people to be open and honest about their own abortion stories. One of the most compelling things we discuss is that most pregnancies are terminated at around 7 weeks. As a matter of fact, that’s when I had my abortion. At 7 weeks along, whatever was hanging out in my uterus was itty bitty and looked nothing like a baby, as the anti-choice movement wants people to believe.
The Future Of Abortion Rights In Colorado Is Bright After Pro-Choice Candidates Sweep Election
Pro-choice candidates, many of them women, won big in Colorado on Election Day, and with their victories bring Colorado one step closer to ensuring access to abortion despite potential restrictions on reproductive rights from the Trump administration and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Brauchler Says Those With Concerns About Roe Are “Fearmongers” After Once Saying Roe Was Wrongly Decided
Colorado’s Republican candidate for Attorney General, George Brauchler, who once said Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided, dismissed those with concerns that the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark abortion rights ruling will be overturned as “fearmongers.”
Humenik Opposes Planned Parenthood Funding for Cancer Screenings, STI Testing for Low-Income Women
A state Senator who’s up for reelection in a highly competitive suburban Denver swing district has come out in opposition to all public funding for Planned Parenthood, including funds from Medicaid, the government health insurance program for low-income people.
Candidate Christine Jensen Opposes Funding Planned Parenthood’s Program Offering Cancer Screening For Low-Income Women
State Senate candidate Christine Jensen of Wheat Ridge opposes all public funding for Planned Parenthood, including all funds via Medicaid, which is the state-federal health insurance program for low-income people.
Will Tony Sanchez’s Opposition To All Abortion Sink His State Senate Campaign?
Republican state senate candidate Tony Sanchez’s views on reproductive health could prove to be too far-right for a district with more registered Democrats than Republicans.
Colorado Anti-Abortion Advocacy Group Posts Shockingly Racist Cartoon
A leading Colorado anti-abortion group is promoting a cartoon deemed so racist that it was banned by the national anti-choice group that commissioned it 30 years ago. Colorado Campaign for Life (CCFL) shared the cartoon, which compares a slave to a fetus, on its Facebook page Monday: