Mucking through the Fever Swamps™ like I do on a daily basis can be disheartening to say the least. The speed at which conservatives went from #NeverTrump and claims of anti-statism to being Trump apologists was amazing to behold.
As Trump’s failures mount, some Republicans begin to shift the blame for his election to Democrats
I suppose it was inevitable. As each day brings new horrors committed by Trump, more and more Republicans begin to get nervous about owning his failures, and they try to cast the blame for his election on the real perpetrators—Democrats!
Otero County GOP chair posts video calling impregnated rape victims “imaginary”
I’m not sure what possessed the Otero county Republican party to install 19-year-old Devin Camacho as their chair, but he is pretty extreme in his views.
For one state senator, when it comes to a president spending money on travel, IOKIYAR
After witnessing Trump blow through as much money on his weekly golf excursions in five months as Obama did in nearly eight years, I thought I would revisit this post by State Senator Tim Neville (R-Littleton).
Gardner wants everyone to drop the “hyperbole” about GOP health care bill. But what hyperbole is he referring to?
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) told a conservative talk-radio host Monday that he wants people to “drop this hyperbole that we continue to hear” about the problems with GOP health care bill.
Conservatives watched the Yates hearings and what they heard was “It was Obama’s fault”
I have to admit that it is hard to read what conservative officials post on Facebook sometimes. This morning was one of those days. I went looking for conservative reaction to the testimony of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, in which she described warning Trump’s counsel that Michael T. Flynn was compromised by the Russians and had been lying to members of the administration, including the vice president.
Civility for thee but not for me
I was fascinated by this Glenwood Springs Post Independent letter to the editor written by Garfield County GOP Chair Carrie Couey, who got her fifteen minutes of fame last fall by visiting the Trump White House to “educate” Donald about healthcare. She got the invite because her family was used by conservative operative Laura Carno in a disingenuous, misleading, and seldom watched anti-Michael Bennet ad.
The right wing’s pseudo-concern for treatment of LGBTQ people in foreign lands doesn’t extend to Americans
I see this a lot in the Fever Swamps™. Someone posts a depiction of LGBTQ people being stoned to death or thrown off buildings in theocratic countries. The implication is that liberals just don’t care about persecution in Muslim countries. In this case the headline asks: “Where is the liberal outrage…?” To his credit, Scott Wills, a former school board member and former longtime chair of Elbert County GOP, seems to show genuine concern in his remarks:
Mistaking weather for climate is the bread and butter of climate change denialism
This happens all the time in the Fever Swamps™. Climate change is obviously a hoax because it snowed!
Advancing Colorado and the obliviousness of dogmatic partisanship
I’m not sure who is running the astroturf outfit Advancing Colorado these days. They haven’t issued any press releases since Jonathan Lockwood moved on to Oregon to be the mouthpiece for the Oregon Senate GOP. But occasionally they still tweet, and this recent one caught my eye.