What does it take to score national media coverage even before you decide to run for a northwest Denver state house seat? Try being the star of ABC’s hit show, “The Bachelor.”
On KNUS, Ken Buck praises FBI Director Comey and fellow GOP Reps, slams decision not to indict Clinton — July 11, 2016
U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R- CO) appeared on the Kelley & Kafer Show (KNUS, 710am) Monday to talk about his impressions of the congressional hearing with FBI Director James Comey to examine his decision not to file criminal charges against Hillary Clinton, over allegations of inappropriate handling of emails with sensitive information, and her use of a private server in her home while serving as Secretary of State.
Bennet, Gardner Urge Consideration of Regina Rodriguez Nomination
Colorado’s US Senators Michael Bennet (D) and Cory Gardner (R) jointly asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to swiftly confirm the nominee for U.S District Court of Colorado, Regina Rodriguez. President Obama nominated Rodriguez to fill the vacancy in the U.S District Court of Colorado at Gardner and Bennet’s suggestion, following Judge Robert Blackburn’s declaration of senior status this April.
Coffman votes for bill restricting access to abortion and other women’s health care
Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) joined House Republicans yesterday in approving a bill that would give federal cover to anyone who refuses to give, provide, or even facilitiate medical care.
Reporter should have asked candidate why Palin’s speech was “just spot on”
Colorado state senate candidate Nancy Doty praised Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s speech in Colorado last week, calling it “just spot on” and “very, very good.”
CoveredHQ Releases New Messaging Tool
CoveredHQ rolled out a new messaging tool to help inform both consumers and stakeholders on health insurance related issues. To further their goal of educating the public about health insurance, CoveredHQ has created a different health insurance “theme” for each month of the year and provides helpful resources relating to the given theme.
Hancock Highlights Progress And Challenges in 2016 State of the City Address
Yesterday, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock delivered the annual ‘State of the City’ address on the grounds of the Denver International Airport. Rather than celebrating the progress Denver has seen since he took office, Hancock largely focused on the problems that Denver still faces today. While briefly mentioning several of the city’s recent achievements, such as adding 60,000 new jobs to the economy, slashing the unemployment rate, and expanding Denver’s public transportation system, Hancock stated that, “This city will not rest until Denver’s success is shared by everyone.”
Adams County GOP chair, Anil Mathai talks ground game on KNUS
Anil Mathai, GOP chair in Adams County, discusses his efforts to ensure victory in legislative races, and reveals that the Republican ground game is lacking coordination and organization with the presidential campaign for Donald Trump. Hosts Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden compare Democrat Party advantage in ground game organizing with Republican Party efforts, highlighting GOP weaknesses and past lackluster effectiveness in engaging voters.
“Really, there’s no ground game,” says Adams County GOP Chair of Trump efforts
After Colorado Trump campaign director Patrick Davis said last week that Trump will rely on the “robust operations” of the Colorado Republican Party to mobilize voters in November, a key county Republican chair said Saturday there’s no signs of any Trump ground game in Adams County, a critical battleground in our state.