EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt will speak Friday at a gathering of conservatives in Denver, organizers announced this morning.
Latest posts - Page 61
The Stormy Daniels Show Hits Denver with Fake Protesters, Strippers, and Cigars
Carrying signs like “Free Melania” and “I Like Turtles,” protesters stood in front of Downtown Denver’s Diamond Cabaret Friday evening in anticipation of the arrival of a porn star who claims to have had sex with Trump.
Why Do Pueblo Republicans Think “Progressivism Is a True Mental Disorder?”
There’s a lot of talk about how divided America is these days, and a trip through the Facebook page of the Pueblo County Republican Party proves the point.
A Leading GOP Candidate for Governor Says He Once Voted to Ban All Abortion in Colorado
A leading Republican candidate for governor told a talk radio host Saturday that he voted for a constitutional amendment that, if it hadn’t been overwhelmingly defeated by Colorado voters, would have banned all abortion, even for rape, and possibly some forms of birth control.
Coffman First Praised Trump for Planning a Summit with North Korean and Then for Canceling It
U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) jumped on the radio this morning to say it’s a good thing Trump isn’t “so eager” to hold a summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
Robinson’s Support for Colorado’s Red-Flag Bill Was Misreported, Says Campaign Spokesman
Back in April, KNUS radio host Craig Silverman reported that GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Robinson favored the “red flag” bill under consideration in the Colorado legislature, which would have allowed law enforcement officials to ask the courts for permission to seize guns from people who are deemed to pose a “significant risk” to themselves or others.
Will Colorado’s Candidates for Governor Address Outdated Rules for Overtime Pay?
The Bell Policy Center is calling on Colorado’s Republican and Democratic candidates for governor to address the outdated threshold for salaried workers to qualify for overtime pay.
U.S. Attorney General Sessions To Speak in Colorado Next Month
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions will headline the Western Conservative Summit, an annual right-leaning gathering in Denver, with a speech June 8.
Conservative Activist Wants Republicans to Become Unaffiliated And Vote for the “Weakest” Democrats
Conservative activist and talk radio host Karen Kataline is calling on fellow Republicans to change their voter registration and become unaffiliated, so they can vote for “the weakest Democrats in the primary.”
Gardner Sees Trump’s North Korea Talks As “Positive Development” After Denouncing Obama For Lesser Dialogue
UPDATE: In an NPR interview today, Gardner said he talked to Trump, and Trump agrees that he will not meet with Kim Jong-un without preconditions on denuclearization. For Gardner, this represents a flip back to his old position of insisting on preconditions. Gardner had abandoned this stance (See below.). For the president, it appears Trump hasn’t advocated this stance publicly, only in private to Gardner.