University of Colorado visiting scholar John Eastman landed in the national spotlight last week after speculating in a Newsweek op-ed that Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris might not be eligible to serve as vice president because her parents were possibly temporary visitors at the time of Harris’ birth.
Latest posts - Page 41
Spokesman for CO Trump Bus Backs Wis. Shooter: “Nice F@&k shot, Kyle”
A “Team Trump Bus” is touring northern Colorado today, and on it is John “TIG” Tiegen, who tweeted his unvarnished support for Kyle Rittenhouse, the Wisconsin teen accused of shooting three people at Kenosha protests yesterday.
In Photos on His Official Facebook Page, Cory Gardner Always Wears a Mask; Elsewhere, Not So Often
It appears that some Colorado Republicans are presenting themselves as mask wearers on public communications platforms, but being less diligent in the real world.
FACT CHECK: Loopholes in Gardner Bill Allow Denial of Insurance Coverage to Those With Pre-Existing Conditions
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) is claiming that legislation he introduced this month “would guarantee Coloradans with pre-existing conditions have health insurance coverage protections.”
Arrest Warrants Issued for Boebert in Multiple Cases After She Didn’t Show Up for Court Hearings
At about midnight four years ago, restauranteur Lauren Boebert, in her words, “turned too sharp,” and rolled her truck into a ditch near her home in Rifle, Colorado.
Gardner Proposal On Pre-Existing Conditions Looks Like a Political Maneuver, Say Experts
UPDATE: The text of Gardner’s proposed law is now available here.
Cardboard Cory Inspires Republican to Make a Cutout of His Opponent
Partisans on both sides of the aisle agree that it’s been quite the run for Cardboard Cory, the likeness of U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), created by activists when Gardner started refusing to take questions in public.
State Lawmaker Hopes Film, Premiering Tonight, Brings Empathy and Awareness to Debate About Opioid Crisis
“It’s easy to disregard people who you see on the street, and never actually think about where they come from and who they are,” says Colorado state Sen. Brittany Pettersen in the trailer for a documentary film, “Coming Clean,” set for a virtual premiere tonight at the Bentonville Film Festival.
‘Conservative Republican’ Richard Murray Campaigns to Keep the University of Colorado Under GOP Control
If you live in Aurora or the surrounding suburbs, Republican Richard Murray wants you to elect him to the governing board of the University of Colorado to stop Democrats from controlling CU.
How About Eating Denver’s Squirrels?
Last year, Denver killed 1,662 geese at Washington Park, Sloan’s Lake, and elsewhere, and fed them to families in need.