Explaining her reasons for supporting a recall of Colorado State Rep. Tom Sullivan (D-Aurora), Arapahoe Republican Party Vice Chair Brenda Stokes told CBS4’s Rick Sallinger last week that Sullivan politicized his son’s murder.
Latest posts - Page 46
Weld Sheriff Sympathizes With Cliven Bundy’s Armed Standoff; Sees Similarities With Red Flag Law
Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams sympathizes with Cliven Bundy in his armed standoff against the federal government and compared that situation to Colorado gun rights activists opposed to the recently passed “red flag” bill.
Former Colorado Republican Attorney Mike Davis Tweets Photo of Judge Merrick Garland’s Severed Head
Former Colorado Special Assistant Attorney General Mike Davis was busted by national media last week for tweeting an inflammatory fake photo.
Colorado Gun Activist: “Cut Douglas County Sheriff’s Budget by 20%. Why not?”
At a legislative briefing in March, Gun activist Dudley Brown was so angry at Douglas County Sheriff’s support of a gun safety law, he said county commissioners’ should cut the sheriff’s budget by twenty percent. “Why not?” Brown asked.
Second Largest Oil & Gas Producer in Colorado Not Participating in Recalls
State Rep. Rochelle Galindo (D-Greeley) should be removed from office for supporting new oil and gas regulations that will “devastate the oil and gas industry” and “kill oil and gas jobs,” say leaders of an effort to recall the newly elected representative.
Polis Recall Leader: Brauchler Said “Yes to Running” for Governor
With a possible recall of Governor Jared Polis still months away, two prominent Colorado Republicans have purportedly already stated their intention to run for his office should the effort succeed. Resist Polis PAC board member Kristina Finley identified District Attorney General George Brauchler and former El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn as each having “already said yes to running” in a Facebook comment. Finley named the two Republicans while responding to a question on the “Resist Polis” Facebook group,
Former Secretary of State Scott Gessler Wants You To Join His Army
Former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler never shied from the spotlight while in office, but he’s kept a lower profile since returning to private practice. He recently made the news for his work on behalf of the long shot campaign to recall Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO).
9NEWS Asked Buck About Nevilles Profiting From Recalls: “That’s for Patrick & House GOP to Decide.”
Local broadcast news faces a challenge when covering politics–how to distill complex topics into brief segments that rarely run longer than four minutes?
CU Regent Heidi Ganahl Endorses Trump
The red meat was indeed raw and juicy at the Colorado Republican Central Committee meeting last month.