Leaders of the Republican Party in Adams County will hear tonight from the president of an anti-LGBT group called The Patriot League, which is a nonprofit organization that “seeks to reclaim America’s goodness” by working “to correct unjust laws & influence society towards a consensus on the indispensability of Traditional Marriage, Parental Rights, Religious Liberty & the Humanity of the Unborn, four pillars of moral truth sustaining America’s ability to survive & thrive.”
Latest posts - Page 43
Colorado Looking Into “Vote No on CC” Campaign’s Use of State Logo
Just to clear up any confusion, the State of Colorado does not endorse the “Vote No on CC” campaign. In fact Governor Polis, who endorses the “CC Yes! For Colorado” campaign, spoke at its kick-off event this morning.
Cory Gardner Refuses To Shoot Straight On Gun Control
Only two U.S. senators from blue states have “A” ratings from the National Rifle Association, and Cory Gardner is one of them. He also has a 100% rating from Gun Owners of America and a 0% rating from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Congressman Ken Buck: “There is much sympathy in urban America for some gang members”
Speaking to Fox News host Tucker Carlson last night, Congressman Ken Buck, who also serves as Chair of the Colorado Republican Party, claimed “[Democrats] certainly see urban America as a critical constituency, and there is much sympathy in urban America for some gang members.”
Reporter Should be “Sent Packing” To Venezuela, Says Conservative Operative & GOP Matriarch Barb Neville
Angered by a news story about her son, prominent conservative activist Barb Neville launched a one-women social media assault on Colorado Politics reporter Marianne Goodland.
House Minority Leader Attacks Fellow Republicans Over Fundraising Groups
House Minority Leader Patrick Neville took to the airwaves to attack his Republican colleagues last week. He dismissed the fundraising efforts of his former state Reps. Dan Thurlow and Polly Lawerence, calling them “the JV squad.”
Cory Gardner Supports Federal Action on Deadly Device Killing Teens: E-Cigs
As news breaks of the Trump administration’s plan to ban flavored e-cigarettes, Sen. Cory Gardner addressed the issue yesterday. He gave a statement to Politico, which reported that he is pushing for federal action:
Another Recall Attempt Fails
UPDATE: The recall attempt against Sen. Brittany Pettersen has also failed.
Tuesday is Deadline Day for Pete Lee Recall Effort
Just days after the Recall Polis campaign came up short, a related effort to remove state Sen. Pete Lee (D – Colorado Springs) faces its deadline tomorrow, Sept. 10.
Cory Gardner Speaking to GOP Women in Englewood Tomorrow
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) will be the guest of honor tomorrow at the Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) luncheon, Saturday, Sept. 7 in Englewood.