The Colorado Times Recorder published a series of articles this year addressing concerns about the expansion of Republican activist Phil Anschutz’s media empire in Colorado. The series documents that the conservative views and business interests of the owner infect his news sites, despite the presence of a nationally respected editor at the top.
Spiked: A Conservative ‘Shadow’ Hangs Over Colorado Newspapers Owned by GOP Billionaire Phil Anschutz
An investigation by the Colorado Times Recorder shows that Bzdek has failed to stop Anschutz or his lieutenants from siphoning unwanted information out of the news at the Gazette; that news affecting the interests of Anschutz gets special scrutiny and extra editing; that journalists steer clear of stories touching on Anschutz; that former and current Gazette journalists are clamming up when asked about Anschutz; that Anschutz-owned news platforms align with conservative groups; and more.
Colorado Times Recorder’s Ads Punch Back at the Denver Gazette’s Attack Ads

You may have noticed ads flying around online from the Denver Gazette urging you to “leave” The Denver Post “in the past” and turn to the Gazette for “news you can trust.” Trust the Gazette? There are a billion reasons to wonder about that. So, in hopes of starting a newspaper war, the Colorado Times Recorder fired back with an ad today, asking you to “leave the Denver Gazette to its owner, Republican Billionaire Phil Anschutz.”
How Anschutz’s Gazette Killed a News Story 7 Years Ago — And Why It Matters Today
Ryan Maye Handy knew she was taking a risk when she decided to write a story that an executive at the Broadmoor hotel, which is owned by Republican donor Phil Anschutz, had told her not to publish.
Gazette Opinion Editor Directs Staff Not to Capitalize ‘Black’ in Regard to Race
Early last week, Wayne Laugesen, editorial page editor for the trio of Anschutz-owned Colorado media properties (the Gazette in Colorado Springs, Denver Gazette and Colorado Politics), sent a one-line email to his staff. “To all who handle Gazette editorial content: Please do not uppercase “black,” regardless of AP style. Thanks, – Wayne.”
Conservative CO News Outlet Stops Publishing Articles from a Conservative News Service
Colorado Politics, a digital and print news outlet with a conservative editorial page, has stopped republishing articles from Center Square, a conservative news service that claims to be competing with the Associated Press and other newswires. [from December, 2022]
After Endorsing Boebert As an ‘Impassioned Leader,’ Phil Anschutz’s Newspaper Now Calls for Her Ouster
If you see an editorial from the Colorado Springs Gazette, owned by GOP billionaire Phil Anschutz, it’s probably because some extreme or ludicrous opinion has viralized into your inbox, not because you make a point to read the newspaper’s positions.