Every year, Republican lawmakers gather at Tom Ready’s Steak Fry fundraiser. Ready is an unapologetic racist and anti-government conspiracy theorist whose annual backyard BBQ nevertheless continues to draw GOP candidates and elected officials of all levels, including Congressman Scott Tipton.
Ready’s history of overt racism, homophobia and Islamophobia has been well-documented by the Colorado Times Recorder in the past. The post on the left is from a couple years ago.
He continues to do so today, with posts like this one about NFL players.
Confirmed attendees at this year’s event include Congressman Scott Tipton, State Sens. Larry Crowder (R-Alamosa) and Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs), HD46 Jonathan Ambler, HD47 candidate Don Bendell, HD62 candidate Scott Honeycutt, Pueblo County Commissioner District 3 candidate Zach Swearingen, University of Colorado Regent Glen Gallegos, and Marla Spinuzzi Reichert, chair of the Pueblo County Republicans.
Proceeds from the event go to Ready’s Let’s Win PAC, which supports Republican candidates. This year’s donors include Sen. Larry Crowder (R – Alamosa) , Senator Bob Gardner (R – Colorado Springs) (from his campaign fund), CU Regent Glen Gallegos (also from his campagin) former Rep. Clarice Ratzlaff and her husband Jace, and Tammy Klein of SWS Polifi, which handles campaign finance compliance for numerous Republicans including Senate President Kevin Grantham andWalker Stapleton’s running mate Rep. Lang Sias (R – Arvada).
Thanks to these donations and others. Tom Ready’s PAC has nearly $10,000 to spend. No campaign contributions from the PAC have been reported since the Steak Fry, but some will presumably be made between now and the November election. Politicians are accountable for their donors; it remains to be seen who accepts his money.
Ready is best known as a former candidate himself. His 2014 run for county commissioner was derailed by his support —during a debate— of one of the worst conspiracy theories of modern day: that the murder of twenty children at the Sandy Hook school shooting was faked by the United States government.
“I don’t think [the shootings have] been proven,” he said. “And what’s wrong with open discussion?”
On Sunday, August 26, the day following the Steak Fry, most elected officials responded publicly to the news of Arizona Senator John McCain’s death. Congressman Scott Tipton made two statements about him, the day before and after his death:
“The strength and courage of @SenJohnMcCain and his family is inspiring. God bless this American hero.”
Following the Senator’s death, Tipton tweeted again on Sunday:
“Senator John McCain served our country with dignity and honor. He and his family are in our prayers.”
Here’s what Tom Ready posted to Facebook on Sunday: a link to a fake news report claiming that Senator McCain “was “‘rat’ or ‘stoolie’ telling on other U.S. officers being held captive at the Hanoi Hilton prison…he disgraced the military” that “Donald Trump was and is CORRECT [about McCain]” and that McCain “was personally responsible for the deadliest fire in the history of the US Navy.” This fabricated story was debunked by Snopes over a year ago. It’s the worst of numerous false attacks on Senator McCain, several of which have been shared by Tom Ready.
The sentiments about Senator McCain shared by Congressman Tipton and Tom Ready couldn’t be more opposed. The Congressman clearly isn’t opposed to supporting Mr. Ready’s fundraiser, however.