Republican candidates vying for spots on Colorado’s House, Senate, County Commissioner, and U.S. House district primary ballots this June invoked prayer, politics, and patriotism to rile up El Paso County’s Republican delegates during their March 23 assembly at Vista Ridge High School in Colorado Springs.
Lauren Boebert
Boebert: ‘I Can’t Even Go To a Theater Without That Being, You Know, Broadcast to the World’
In a radio interview last week, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) presented herself as a victim in last year’s vaping and groping incident at the Buell Theater in Denver, telling a radio host that she “can’t even go to a theater without that being, you know, broadcast to the world.”
Abortion, Election Fraud, and Education Reform Dominate Debate Among GOP Candidates for Eastern CO Congressional Seat
On Saturday, the Colorado Young Republicans held a debate for GOP contenders in Congressional District 4 at the Deep Space Parker Lounge and Event Center.
Boebert Wins Vote by Conservatives at a Forum in Windsor, Where She Moved After Dumping Her Old District
Boebert received a mostly cordial welcome at the event, with master of ceremonies David Hunt introducing her as "one of Windsor's newest residents."
Boebert’s Apology for Groping & Vaping Looks More Insincere With Each Joke She Tells About it
If you were caught groping and vaping in a theater near a pregnant woman — and you made a big deal about apologizing and explaining how “challenging” your life had been lately — you wouldn’t joke about it repeatedly in public. Would you?
Long Holiday Break? Boebert’s Pueblo Office Closed for Over 3 Weeks Around Thanksgiving & Christmas
In late November, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) called Social Security Administration (SSA) staff the equivalent of ne’er-do-well couch-potatoes as she raked a senior Social Security Administration official across the coals during a House Oversight Committee hearing.
Election Conspiracists and Jan 6 Revisionists: Colo GOP Race to Replace Ken Buck Begins
Just because it’s 2024 doesn’t mean 2020 isn’t still up for debate. Last Thursday night in the southeastern corner of the state, election denialism and January 6 revisionist history were hot topics with Lauren Boebert and the other congressional hopefuls trying to out-Trump one another.
What Will the Immigration Debate Look Like in the Race for the Congressional District Boebert Left?
The race for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District (CD3), which includes most of the state’s mountainous Western Slope, looks dramatically different with last week’s sudden exit of U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), but one thing remains the same no matter who’s running in 2024.
Voters in Boebert’s New District Are ‘Pro Female Gropers,’ Jokes Talk Show Host Who’s Angry That Boebert Switched Districts, ‘So She Fits in Well’
Lauren Boebert burst into Congress on a wave of publicity from right-wing media outlets, including FOX News and Colorado talk-radio shows.
2023 Review: The Colorado Times Recorder’s Top Articles about Lauren Boebert
Boebert We try not to cover Congressman Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) outrage du jour, but we are committed to holding her accountable — and to providing facts when she offers falsehoods. So we ended up spending a lot of time writing about Boebert and related topics. Here’s a sample of our 2023 work. We look forward to continuing to cover Boebert in her campaign to represent a new Colorado congressional district next year.