You may have heard about the Trump administration’s latest attack on very poor Americans: a punitive new restriction that will cut SNAP benefits for 688,000 people. SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, is our country’s most popular and effective nutrition assistance program.
Donald Trump
End the Wars, Win the Antiwar Vote
Like anyone else who was around that day, I can tell you exactly where I was on 9/11.
Trump Boasts of Booming Jobs Creation, But Thousands of Coloradans Have Lost Their Jobs Since He Took Office
Republican President Donald Trump has trumpeted his purported success in U.S. jobs creation, touting the unemployment rate falling to a 3.5 percent half-century low as the economy created 136,000 jobs last month.
The Case for Impeachment Goes Way Beyond Ukraine
“Has Trump finally gone too far?” There’s a headline you’ve seen a thousand times.
Gardner Mum on Upcoming Vote to Block Border Wall Funding
WASHINGTON –– Senate Democrats plan to force a vote on a resolution of disapproval to stop President Donald Trump from diverting funds from military construction projects to build a wall along the southern border.
Colorado Lawmaker: I Talked Trump Out of Backing Red Flag Bill after Parkland
As Trump is promising action on gun safety legislation, Colorado Republican House leader Patrick Neville of Castle Rock is taking credit for talking Trump out of pushing a red flag bill in the wake of the 2018 Parkland, Florida, gun massacre.
No Ill Words Spoken of President at Unveiling Ceremony for Trump Portrait at Colo Capitol
Without a whimper of dissent, a portrait of Trump was added to a third-story wall at the Colorado Capitol today, joining the likenesses of scores of other U.S. presidents.
Democrat to Speak at Unveiling of Trump Portrait at Colorado Capitol
A former Democratic state representative will join Republicans in a ceremony Aug. 1 to mark the unveiling of a Trump portrait on the third floor of the Colorado Capitol, where portraits of all other U.S. presidents hang.
Douglas County GOP on Facebook: Dems “Hate Whites,” Support “Abortion After Birth,” and More
The Douglas County GOP Facebook page shared a meme this week featuring photos of the four Democratic congresswomen known as “The Squad” with the caption “Democrats; We’re Bold, New, And We Hate You!”
Republicans Aim to Hang Trump Portrait at Colo Capitol Aug. 1
UPDATE July 22: Republicans issued a statement that the unveiling of the portrait will take place Aug. 1.