Unwilling to accept that their fellow voters chose Joe Biden over President Trump, hundreds of conservative evangelicals gathered in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 12 to insist without proof that voter fraud turned the election.
Dede Laugesen
“Core group” of Trump campaign supporters celebrate Trump’s “Year of Greatness”
Many of Colorado’s top supporters of the 2016 Trump Campaign, including Colorado lawmakers Tim Neville (R-Littleton) and Kim Ransom (R-Lone Tree), gathered at 11:30 a.m. Saturday in Lone Tree to celebrate the one year anniversary of Trump’s inauguration.
“I want to be a ‘person of interest,'” writes Colorado Trump official
UPDATE: Former Colorado Trump Campaign staffer Dede Laugesen replied to my request for clarification of her Facebook post: “Facebook is a place of friendly comments and such, and I was just making an off the cuff remark about what it must be like to be a celebrity like Nigil Farage,” said Laugesen. “That’s all.”