U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) wants a special prosecutor not only to dig into Russian interference in the last election but also to investigate the Obama Administration.
Buck hopes Trump didn’t collude with Russia
On KOA 850-AM this morning, U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) compared the Russian interference in the 2016 election to the attacks on Obama over his birth certificate.
New footage of ICE courthouse arrests reaffirms need for sanctuary policies, advocates say
Two videos in which undercover Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can be seen conducting arrests at courthouses were released by the Meyer Law Office Tuesday.
Otero County GOP chair posts video calling impregnated rape victims “imaginary”
I’m not sure what possessed the Otero county Republican party to install 19-year-old Devin Camacho as their chair, but he is pretty extreme in his views.
For one state senator, when it comes to a president spending money on travel, IOKIYAR
After witnessing Trump blow through as much money on his weekly golf excursions in five months as Obama did in nearly eight years, I thought I would revisit this post by State Senator Tim Neville (R-Littleton).
Gardner wants everyone to drop the “hyperbole” about GOP health care bill. But what hyperbole is he referring to?
U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) told a conservative talk-radio host Monday that he wants people to “drop this hyperbole that we continue to hear” about the problems with GOP health care bill.
University still won’t buy fetal tissue from companies “implicated” in Planned Parenthood “investigation”
Two years ago, anti-abortion activists released undercover videos that showed Planned Parenthood officials discussing their program that provides fetal tissue, donated by women who have an abortion or miscarriage, for use in medical research.
Conservatives watched the Yates hearings and what they heard was “It was Obama’s fault”
I have to admit that it is hard to read what conservative officials post on Facebook sometimes. This morning was one of those days. I went looking for conservative reaction to the testimony of former acting Attorney General Sally Yates, in which she described warning Trump’s counsel that Michael T. Flynn was compromised by the Russians and had been lying to members of the administration, including the vice president.
On radio, Mitchell says Brauchler appears to have used death penalty for “political purposes”
It “certainly appears” to GOP Colorado gubernatorial candidate Victor Mitchell that his Republican opponent George Brauchler pursued the death penalty in the Aurora theater trial “for political purposes to raise his profile, and it was a squander of some $4 million.”
Civility for thee but not for me
I was fascinated by this Glenwood Springs Post Independent letter to the editor written by Garfield County GOP Chair Carrie Couey, who got her fifteen minutes of fame last fall by visiting the Trump White House to “educate” Donald about healthcare. She got the invite because her family was used by conservative operative Laura Carno in a disingenuous, misleading, and seldom watched anti-Michael Bennet ad.