The Colorado Independent’s Marianne Goodland reported earlier this year that Republican state senate candidate Nancy Doty had yet to formulate a stance on whether state lawmakers should reclassify the hospital provider fee as an enterprise fund, freeing up over $300 in tax money for roads, schools, and other projects. Goodland reported:
Colorado Republican Chair says media “set up” Machado to distract Trump
Colorado Republican Party Chair Steve House wrote on Facebook this week that the “media” worked with Democrats to “set up” former Miss Universe Alicia Machado to go after Trump.
Colorado Senate GOP has blackout on facts
The Koch brothers’ influence pervades the Colorado GOP caucus. Leadership made this explicit last year when they hired Sean Paige—a former Americans for Prosperity flack—to run their communications operation.
Confirmation bias is not a resume for a successful candidacy
I pick on Raymond Garcia (R – Colorado) a lot because he comes across as more of an internet troll than an actual GOP candidate for the Colorado State Legislature.
Radio host and Woods, who opposes criminal background checks prior to gun purchases, launch fact-free attack on Zenzinger’s gun stance
Last month, State Sen. Laura Woods (R-Arvada/Westminster) called Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson and his running mate “gun grabbers,” prompting Johnson’s spokesman to say there was no truth in the comment.
Colorado GOP Vice-Chair Derrick Wilburn bears false witness… again
Once again the pride of the Colorado GOP Derrick Wilburn is promoting lies and deception on Facebook. Here he passing along the lie that Ruth Ginsburg wants poor people to have abortions when, in actuality, she was attributing that view to others.
Meeting the needs of LGBTQ Coloradans
Six years ago, One Colorado, the state’s leading advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Coloradans and their families asked LGBTQ people across the state to complete a survey to determine what issues impacted their lives. More than 4,600 people responded to the survey and the results shaped the priorities of our organization: expanding relationship recognition, ensuring LGBTQ youth feel safe and welcome in their schools, and increasing access to health care.
GOP Chair of Otero County implies that descendants of black slaves are “pussies looking for free shit”
Something sure stinks in U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton’s (R – Colorado) district. First Delta County GOP Chair Linda Sorenson was forced to resign for her Facebook post depicting President Obama as a chimpanzee. Now, Otero County Republican Chair Judy Reyher posts this racist meme with an enthusiastic “Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!”!
Post could improve its editorial page by criticizing Coffman more often
“Good for Mike Coffman.” That’s the first line of an August Denver Post editorial, and, as it turns out, an excellent summation of the The Post editorial page’s singular stance toward Coffman over many years.