In March, Colorado House Minority Leader Rep. Hugh McKean (R-Loveland) said that while he hoped Colorado would increase oil and gas production and expedite the drilling permit approval process, he approved of the oil and gas regulations currently in place.
Latest posts - Page 6
“I’m Not Talking To Democrats,” Says GOP Senate Candidate O’Dea Who Has Donated to Multiple Dems Since 2010
At a candidate meet-and-greet in Westminster Monday, Denver businessman and Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe O’Dea refused to speak with the Colorado Times Recorder, saying that he is not speaking to Democrats.
CO Republican U.S. Senate Candidates Take Stances on Abortion, Roe v. Wade
The religious non-profit Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, released a questionnaire it presented to statewide candidates in Colorado this week. As part of the questionnaire, which can be viewed here, U.S. Senate candidates were asked a question partly about their stances on abortion rights.
Thermal Imagery Exposes Leaks at CO Oil and Gas Sites, Cracks in State Pollution Violation Procedures
A playground and a bike path are nestled between a row of homes in the Thornton neighborhood of North Creek Farms. Roughly 200 feet away is an oil and gas drilling site that is leaking hydrocarbons like methane.
Senate Candidates at CO Hispanic Republicans Forum Support Building Trump’s Wall and ‘Legal’ Immigration
In Denver last night Republican candidates hoping to unseat U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) addressed immigration at a candidate forum hosted by Colorado Hispanic Republicans.
Neuschwanger Says If Elected Governor: ‘I Am Firing All 500 of Polis’ Appointees’
During Saturday’s Jefferson County Republican Assembly, Republican candidate for Governor Danielle Neuschwanger criticized the administration of Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO).
Leading Bennet Challenger Doesn’t Believe in Climate Change: ‘It’s Called Weather’
In a YouTube video released earlier this month, Colorado U.S. Senate candidate and state Rep. Ron Hanks (R-Cañon City) said he does not believe that climate change is a real issue.
Fact Check: Why Environmental Regulations Are Not To Blame for High Gas Prices
In Colorado, leading Republican figures and oil and gas industry executives are claiming stricter environmental regulations have caused gas prices to increase. However, an examination of that claim shows that it is a misleading argument.
U.S. Senate Hopeful Eli Bremer & Colo GOP Agree Indicted Republicans Shouldn’t Run, But Differ on Details
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eli Bremer called for Mesa County Clerk and Recorder and Colorado Secretary of State candidate Tina Peters to suspend her campaign after Peters was indicted by a grand jury yesterday.
Enviro Groups Want CO Employee Retirement Fund To Divest From Russian Fossil Fuel Companies
A new report has found that the retirement fund for employees of the state of Colorado has over $8.7 million in investments in Russian oil and gas companies. In light of Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, environmental advocacy groups and fund members in Colorado are calling the fund to divest.