In an open letter released today, state Sen. Don Coram (R-Montrose), who was defeated in April by U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-CO) in Colorado’s Republican primary, endorsed Boebert’s Democratic opponent Adam Frisch, writing that Boebert “has consistently voted against legislation that would benefit the 3rd Congressional District.”

“What’s more disconcerting is that she continues to lie to voters and claims credit for things she had absolutely nothing to do with,” wrote Coram in his letter endorsing Frisch. … “Bottom line, instead of working to represent the people in the 3rd CD, Lauren spends her time jet-setting around the country promoting herself and extreme rhetoric that only divides this country further,” “It’s disgraceful and we should expect more from our United States Representative.”
In response, Frisch issued a statement saying he was “honored” to receive Coram’s endorsement and calling Coram “an upstanding leader and public servant.”
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Don Coram, who has been an upstanding leader and public servant who cares deeply about the people of Western Colorado,” said Frisch in a news release. “Coram recognizes that extremists like Boebert make it impossible to get things done for the people of CO-3. I am building a strong bipartisan coalition to ensure that the people of Southern and Western Colorado have an effective representative in Washington who will focus on the issues facing their families, their communities, and their businesses.”
Frisch’s news release announced that Coram is the chair of a group called Republicans for Frisch, which the release described as a “growing coalition of Republicans in CO-3 who are distancing themselves from Boebert in favor of a candidate who better represents their conservative values on issues like the economy, caring for veterans, and protecting Colorado’s water.”

“I believe Adam Frisch is a good man,” wrote Coram in his endorsement letter. “I have had the opportunity to visit with him and get to know him better over the last few months. I know him to be decent, honest, and persistent. He has demonstrated that he is more interested in representing the district than being a celebrity. That’s important. Naturally, Adam and I differ on various policies and issues. However, I know that he is the type of person who will come to the table and have a conversation. That is what we should expect from our representative. In my opinion, when it comes to the two choices on the ballot for CD3, the better choice is Adam Frisch. Let’s elect someone who cares about
representing the majority of people in the middle that are fed up with extreme
In addition to endorsing Frisch, Coram is serving as co-chair of Republicans for Frisch, a growing coalition of Republicans in CO-3 who are distancing themselves from Boebert in favor of a candidate who better represents their conservative values on issues like the economy, caring for veterans, and protecting Colorado’s water. Learn more about Republicans for Frisch at
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Don Coram, who has been an upstanding leader and public servant who cares deeply about the people of Western Colorado,” said Frisch. “Coram recognizes that extremists like Boebert make it impossible to get things done for the people of CO-3. I am building a strong bipartisan coalition to ensure that the people of Southern and Western Colorado have an effective representative in Washington who will focus on the issues facing their families, their communities, and their businesses.”
Boebert didn’t immediately return an email seeking comment.
Marina Zimmerman, another GOP primary challenger of Boebert’s, endorsed Frisch yesterday.
Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, which Boebert has represented since 2020, includes large parts of western and southern Colorado.
In addition to endorsing Frisch today, Coram put his stamp of approval on another Democrat, Attorney General (AG) Phil Weiser, who’s running against John Kellner, an Arapahoe County area district attorney.
Coram wrote that “the Republican candidate for AG has made little to no effort to acknowledge that rural Colorado even exists.”
“Unlike others, I was not surprised when Former Speaker of the House Russ George and Former Attorney General Cynthia Coffman, both republicans, endorsed Phil Weiser for re-election as Attorney General,” Coram wrote. “AG Weiser has been to southwest Colorado more than any other Statewide elected official. Not only has he shown up, but he also listened. Phil works with all stakeholders to find solutions to the problems we face regardless of political party. Showing up, listening, doing the job, and leaving politics out of it, is what I’m looking for in an elected leader and that is why Phil Weiser has earned my vote for re-election.”
Weiser responded, via a news release, “Throughout this campaign, I keep hearing from voters that they want elected officials who seek real solutions for Colorado and are not satisfied with partisanship and gridlock. State Senator Don Coram—a long-time Republican legislator representing the Western Slope in the Colorado Senate and House of Representatives—has a well-known reputation as an elected leader who gets results, regardless of party affiliation. I’ve known Sen. Coram as a fierce voice for Western Slope communities, a champion of rural issues, and a staunch partner in defending Colorado’s water. While Sen. Coram and I haven’t always agreed on every matter, we always respected each other and are committed to listening to those from different backgrounds and different political parties. I’m very honored to have Sen. Don Coram’s support for my re-election.”
UPDATED 10/13/22 with information on Coram’s Weiser endorsement and Weiser’s response.