Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced a program yesterday to provide funding for up to 100 additional ballot-drop boxes for the November General Election.
This is in addition to the 91 additional drop boxes funded by the 2019 Colorado Votes Act.
The program aims to increase voting accessibility across Colorado amidst the COVID19 pandemic.
“The right of eligible Americans to have their voices heard in our elections does not stop in times of crisis,” said Griswold. “Adding these additional drop boxes across the state will make our elections more accessible for Coloradans who vote their ballots at home, which is especially important during the COVID-19 health care crisis.”
RELATED: Colorado Issues Guidance for Safe Voting During Pandemic
Each of Colorado’s 64 counties is encouraged to add at least one dropbox.
Counties may apply for funding to install additional boxes through this grant program. The Secretary of State’s Office will reimburse the cost for each dropbox. Counties are eligible for up to $10,000 per dropbox.
The federal government’s CARES Act allocated $400 million nationwide to improve elections during the COVID crisis. The drop box funds from the new law.
Counties have until August 1 to submit applications.
“We are excited to obtain another 24-hour drop box in Archuleta County,” said Kristy Archuleta, Clerk and Recorder in Archuleta County. “The new dropbox will … save them an hour round-trip drive to drop off their ballots and help them avoid possible weather conditions and wildlife.”
“I am thrilled that we have funding to allow the opportunity to add ballot boxes to our state and alleviate some of the traffic flow into our VSPCs!” Brenda Corbett, Clear Creek County Clerk, and Recorder said. “A new ballot box in Clear Creek County will give over 1,200 voters on the east end of our county access to a nearby ballot dropbox.”
This is the first of a series of grants that the Secretary of State will offer counties to bolster Colorado elections.