by Steve Rabey
mitt romney
Alas, the CO Republican Party Missed a Perfect Moment To End Its War Against Obamacare
The Supreme Court’s latest refusal to kill the Affordable Care Act left mostly everyone saying the law is now here to stay.
Former Colo Candidate for Governor, Doug Robinson, who’s Mitt Romney’s Nephew, Supports Police Reform
Former Colorado GOP governor candidate Doug Robinson, a nephew of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), has followed in his uncle’s footsteps with a public Facebook post calling for police reform.
Conservative Radio Hosts Condemn Cory Gardner
Conservative talk radio hosts Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden, and conservative activist/talk radio host Karen Kataline, went on the air Monday to express their disapproval of the “effeminate country club Republicanism” of Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), by comparing him to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT).