Last week a federal judge declared Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), the Obama-era program that protects immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children from deportation, unlawful. While the Biden administration has promised to appeal the decision, Colorado immigrant advocacy groups said the ruling illuminates the need for lasting immigration reform in Congress.
Joe Biden
Economic Collapse or Historic Opportunity? Biden Infrastructure Plan Divides CO Congresspeople
In Washington D.C., Joe Biden’s American Jobs Plan is being labeled as needless spending by Republicans, who also dislike the corporate tax hikes. Progressives are worried that key climate provisions of the plan will be lost due to the Democrats’ slim majority in both chambers. Colorado’s congressional delegation is similarly divided.
Joe Biden’s Unconscionable Military Buget
The Biden administration recently released its final budget proposal for the fiscal year 2022.
CO Towns and Counties in Boebert’s District Pass Resolutions Supporting Biden’s Oil and Gas Pause
Across Colorado towns and counties are passing resolutions supporting President Joe Biden’s executive order to indefinitely pause new oil and gas leases on federal public lands.
CU Leader Opposes Biden Plan for Free Community College; Looks to Private Sector for Solutions
During a radio appearance Saturday, CU Regent Heidi Ganahl opposed Joe Biden’s proposal to expand access to higher education for millions of Americans by offering tuition-free community college.
Biden Needs to Keep His Promises on Immigration
Joe Biden has done a lot on immigration in a short amount of time — much of it good.
Biden Pausing Fossil Fuel Leases on Public Lands is a Necessary First Step, but More is Needed
I am a medical doctor in Pueblo, specializing in public health, particularly occupational and environmental health. Before COVID forced me to suspend my practice, I evaluated many people with health problems related to their work or pollution in their communities. It was frustrating that all too often the conditions were due to preventable exposures.
When Does the Party Start?
Those of us who understand just how important it is to rid the White House of its current occupant are in a bit of a conundrum: when to celebrate Joe Biden’s landslide victory over Donald J. Trump in the 2020 presidential election?
Warren Presidential Campaign to Open First Colorado Offices Wednesday
Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign is breaking ground in Colorado with new field offices opening in Denver and Colorado Springs on Wednesday, a major step in expanding operations in the state ahead of the March 3 Super Tuesday primary.
The Case for Impeachment Goes Way Beyond Ukraine
“Has Trump finally gone too far?” There’s a headline you’ve seen a thousand times.