U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) blamed Trump today for Coffman’s election loss last week, just as Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner jumped on the radio to credit the president for GOP wins in key senate races.
Donald Trump
Cory Gardner’s NRSC Director: “We’re Running With President Trump No Matter What”
U.S. Senator Cory Gardner’s political operation is full steam ahead on the Trump train.
Colorado Republicans Mostly Respond To Trump’s Ramped-Up Indecency With More Silence
The 2018 election may be remembered as the year most Republican candidates in Colorado decided not to speak out against Trump. And paid the price.
It’s Not Too Late For Reporters To Ask More Colorado Candidates Where They Stand On Trump
It’s past time for reporters to start asking more key Colorado candidates where they stand on Trump.
State Senate Candidate Christine Jensen Won’t Say Where She Stands On Trump
Republican state senate candidate Christine Jensen of Wheat Ridge has repeatedly refused to tell voters where she stands on Trump.
Stapleton Welcomes Trump’s Endorsement
Walker Stapleton, who’s Colorado’s Republican candidate for governor, welcomed the endorsement of Trump yesterday, telling KNUS radio host Steffan Tubbs that he was “really happy to have the President’s support.”
Here Are Some Colorado Candidates Who Support Trump. Will The Prez Endorse Them, Too?
Walker Stapleton’s “complete and total endorsement” this week by Trump came as a surprise, in part because other Colorado candidates, who’ve also backed Trump, did not get the President’s kiss of approval.
FACT CHECK: Coffman Claims 15 Bipartisan Votes Were Used To Calculate His 96% Pro-Trump Voting Record. But Subtract Those Votes, And Coffman Still Has A 95% Pro-Trump Score
U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO) is hopping mad about a political advertisement, produced by House Democrats, claiming that Coffman has voted with Trump 96 percent of the time.
FACT CHECK: Coffman Favored Repealing Obamacare, Even After The U.S. Senate Gave Up Trying
A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman of Aurora told a reporter Monday that Coffman broke away from Trump on healthcare.
Republican Candidate For Lt. Governor Dedicated To Backing Trump Now And Re-electing Him In 2020
The Colorado Republican Party’s candidate for lieutenant governor apparently backs Trump not only now but also in the 2020 election.