Every year, Colorado’s most socially conservative lawmakers run an extreme anti-abortion bill that would make abortion illegal under essentially any circumstances. Every year, the bill fails.
Lamborn Introduces Bill Requiring Abortion Providers to Promote Dangerous ‘Abortion Reversal’ Treatment
U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) has introduced a bill that would require abortion providers to inform their patients about a dubious and risky method for reversing an abortion in-progress.
Letters: What Choice Do We Have?
I Remember I began a long and successful nursing career in 1970. As a new graduate I was employed in an emergency department in a fairly poor district of a medium sized town. Abortion at that time was illegal. Illegal but still performed.
Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Center in Pueblo Moves Ahead With In-Person Gala
A Caring Pregnancy Center (ACPC), an anti-abortion organization in Pueblo, is moving ahead with an in-person gala planned for next month.
Campaign to Partially Ban Abortion Asks Secretary of State for “Additional Considerations” Due to Coronavirus
In an email sent to supporters Saturday, the organization behind a ballot initiative to ban abortion at 22 weeks in Colorado revealed that it asked the Secretary of State to grant it “additional considerations” in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Abortion Rights Advocates from Colorado Join Rally in Washington DC
At the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday morning, supporters of overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling, which expanded abortion rights, defended a Louisiana law that, according to critics, effectively strips physicians from responsibly treating their patients and moves America one step closer to banning abortion outright.
DeVos Weighs in on Abortion, Funding Religious Schools
WASHINGTON DC — Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos weighed in on a host of issues during the Colorado Christian University’s annual president’s dinner Wednesday night at the Museum of the Bible, at one point drawing comparisons of the abortion rights debate to the ending of slavery.
Colo Republicans Introduce Anti-Abortion Bills, Including a Total Abortion Ban
Republican lawmakers in Colorado’s legislature introduced two anti-abortion bills at the beginning of the 2020 legislative session last week, one of which would ban nearly all abortions, and one that draws upon conservative’s scare tactics around abortions that occur later in pregnancy.
Colorado Republicans in Congress Ask Supreme Court to Consider Overturning Roe
In a legal brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court last week, three of the four Republicans in Colorado’s congressional delegation joined over 200 federal lawmakers in urging the court to reconsider the constitutional right to an abortion.
Gardner Confirms Yet Another Extreme Anti-Choice Federal Judge
Colorado Republican Sen. Cory Gardner has voted to confirm yet another lifetime federal judge with such radical anti-abortion views that even Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who, like Gardner, is facing a tough re-election campaign next year, voted against confirming.