If you read longtime Colorado writer Ari Armstrong, you know he swims mostly in conservative circles, but he’s frustrated with today’s liberals and conservatives.
Tim Neville either does or doesn’t support tax funding of private schools, depending on what is taught
Colorado State Senator Tim Neville (R) is a big proponent of tax dollars in the form of vouchers going to religious schools that have exclusionary enrollment and teach religion to the kids (see the Douglas County rules that were struck down by the court as a violation of the Constitution). That seems to change when the values being taught aren’t the ones to which he ascribes. I would actually agree with him here if he weren’t such a hypocrite.
Beauprez tells radio hosts he’d “very much enjoy” Secretary of Interior job
In what appear to be his most extensive comments yet on his possible appointment as Trump’s Secretary of Interior, former Colorado Congressman Bob Beauprez told KOA 850-AM listeners this morning why he’d be a good fit for the job.
A guide for fighting fake news and misinformation, with examples from Colorado
Since the election, there’s been a lot of speculation about how fake news and misinformation spread on social media could have affected the outcome. A Buzzfeed News analysis found that falsehoods from hyperpartisan news sites, particularly ultra-conservative pages, were shared at an alarming rate.
Non-profit for economic equality and opportunity seeking submissions of “ideas that work”
The Bell Policy Center, a Colorado organization that advocates for family economic security and equal opportunity, is calling on community members to share programs, projects, and other efforts that have successfully helped Colorado families get and stay ahead.
Three days in the Fever Swamps™ and not a single mention of 25 million dollar fraud settlement
There’s a lot of talk about the “bubble” that people are living in when they engage in social media. This weekend provided a perfect example.
Will Colorado public officials be more careful about spreading fake news?
Colorado Republicans did their part in spreading fake news and/or falsehoods on Facebook during the election, as Charles Buchanan has been pointing out on the Colorado Times Recorder.
A Colorado lawmaker either doesn’t read the things he shares on Facebook, or he assumes his readers won’t
Although the Daily Signal isn’t a “fake” news site by the definition, the article Colorado State Sen. Tim Neville (R-Littleton) is citing is intentionally misleading—cherry-picking a report that actually shows immigrants make a net-positive contribution to our country by the time they’ve lived here for a few generations.
Immigrant rights advocates rally at state capitol, call to stop deportations
On Wednesday afternoon, the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, along with their partners and allies, rallied at Colorado’s capitol to demand immigration reform. Dozens filled the building’s west steps chanting “si se puede” (yes we can) and “stand up fight back.”
Christian university president cites “spiritual drift of many millennials” as a post-election concern
Colorado Christian University President Don Sweeting takes “no false comfort in the results of the election,” citing a “deeply divided nation” and the “spiritual drift of many millennials.”