Neil Gorsuch is the greatest thing since sliced bread and what makes him so very unique is that he is a white-haired white dude that Republicans like.
When you’re anti-taxing so hard you stumble onto a perfect anti-TABOR argument
Colorado’s State Legislature is working on its yearly budget, which includes HB 1242, a bipartisan compromise that would ask voters to approve a small tax increase to provide up to 3.2 billion to address the state’s crumbling infrastructure. The hard-right wing of the Republican party in Colorado hates the deal because of their dogmatic adherence to a “no new taxes” position.
How the confirmation bias bubble turns the truth on its head in the Fever Swamps™
Like most everyone else, when U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) made his wild claims about surveillance of the Trump administration, I was a bit confused about the purpose. He seemed to be acknowledging that they had been caught up in the monitoring of foreign adversaries via legally obtained FISA warrants. This indicates that members of Trump’s administration were talking to the bad guys we were monitoring. It certainly didn’t support Trump’s claim that Obama had him “wiretapped.” Today, he has come out to say there is no evidence of the wiretapping Trump claimed.
GOP County Chair proud of his Confederate Flag tattoo
Justin Ratzlaff is the Chair of the Rio Grande County GOP, and he has a Confederate flag tattoo on his arm.
Right to Work for less laws and the lying politicians who promote them
Colorado State Rep. Justin Everett (R-Littleton) posted this on Facebook recently. It’s an assertion without evidence that “contrary to what you may have heard…wages go up and unemployment goes down” in so-called “Right to Work” states.
Vice Chair posts old news and his crazed supporters can’t tell the difference
Colorado GOP Vice Chair Derrick Wilburn is either one of the most dishonest politicians in Colorado or one of the most ignorant (or perhaps a mixture of both). In today’s example, he posts old video of a confrontation between protesters and police from last May and implies it just happened. I don’t know if he actually believes it happened recently or not, but he doesn’t indicate to his audience that it’s old news, with predictable results:
The Coueys go to Washington, and it’s a microcosm of our times
I ran across this story about a “Rifle woman” going to Washington for a Donald Trump healthcare “listening session”. It seems strange to hold a listening session after the bill has already been committed to paper and the GOP has had more than seven years to “listen” and formulate a better healthcare plan than the Affordable Care Act.
GOP State House Representative Tim Leonard passes on anti-vaccination misinformation
I’ve written in this space about Rep. Tim Leonard (R-Evergreen) before. He is one of the most radical members of the Colorado State Legislature. Well, he’s at it again, this time posting this video with a cryptic warning to know the cost/benefit trade-off regarding vaccinating children.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Derrick Wilburn
I’m continually astounded by the blatant hypocrisy that Republicans engage in, but even for the vice chairman of the Colorado GOP, who has a long track record of abandoning his so called “principles”, this is a stunning lack of self-awareness:
Things get heated at State GOP Chair debate: “That is piss-poor performance if you ask me”
The forum for Colorado GOP state chair candidates Jeff Hays and George Athanasopoulos at the JeffCo Republican Women’s group forum on March 7 was mostly a wonk-fest, with the candidates each touting their plans to revitalize the Colorado GOP, but there were a few moments when the gloves came off that provided some excitement. The first was when George Athanasopoulos accused Jeff Hays of violating rules by endorsing Joel Miller—an accusation dismissed as a “fraud” by Hays.