Denver talk-radio host and former GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dan Caplis blames Obama and the “left” for the Dallas shootings. In the worst way. Listen here:
Conservation Colorado Releases Their 2016 Scorecard
The results are in: Conservation Colorado released their annual scorecard grading Colorado Senators and Representatives on their support of pro-environment legislation. The scores were based how legislators voted on 17 environmental bills selected by Conservation Colorado, including House Bill 1004: Climate Action Plan for Colorado and House Bill 1310: Operators Liable for Oil and Gas Operations.
Last year, dozens of Colorado Republicans joined an anti-LGBT group, funded by Anschutz, in attacking Planned Parenthood
UPDATE: The Anschutz Foundation has issued a statement in response to Jonathan Capehart’s Washington Post column about Freedom for All Americans’ report “Enemies of Equality.” Here is the complete statement:
AFP could help expose Coffman’s right-wing record
A Denver Post article yesterday heralded the decision by Americans for Prosperity (AFP) to spend an undisclosed amount of money attacking Morgan Carroll, the Democrat challenging Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Aurora), as a “big boost” for Coffman.
Delta GOP chair resigns at suggestion of sheriff
Linda Sorenson took the advice of Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee and resigned last week as chair of the Delta County Republican Party.
Glenn Says His Speech “Wasn’t Me” But “Holy Spirit” Instead
Left out of much of the coverage of Darryl Glenn’s victory Tuesday is the fact that he’s a full-throttle supporter of a personhood abortion ban, according to Colorado Right to Life.
Coffman Votes To Slash Obamacare, Restrict Planned Parenthood, and Reverse Confederate Flag Ban
Representative Mike Coffman (R-Aurora) voted in favor of a bill that would slash Obamacare funding, place new restrictions on Planned Parenthood, and lift a ban on flying the Confederate flag at veteran cemeteries. These controversial measures were riders on an appropriations bill intended to provide funding for the looming Zika crisis.
Douglas County School Board Members Bemoan Chaos, Distance Themselves from Controversy, on KLZ 560 am
Douglas County Board of Education President, Meghann Silverthorn, and board member Dr. Judy Reynolds appeared on KLZ’s Rush to Reason show Monday, to present their perspective on the recent controversy surrounding a student-organized protest this spring, opposition to their actions in anticipation of that protest, and the resulting fallout, which including an independent investigation into their actions.
Windholz implies pro-choice supporters care less about women than opponents of choice
Colorado State Rep. JoAnn Windholz, who called Planned Parenthood officials the “real culprits” in last year’s clinic massacre in Colorado Springs, took to Facebook yesterday to condemn the Supreme Court’s decision affirming a women’s right to choose.
Pro-Choice Colorado Group Reacts to Whole Woman’s Health Decision
In yesterday’s Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt ruling, the Supreme Court overturned 5-3 a Texas law that would have severely obstructed a woman’s ability to get an abortion in the state. The law, among other requirements, mandated that clinics meet hospital-grade standards and that doctors who provide abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic. The Supreme Court found that these requirements unfairly target abortion clinics and are not actually aimed at increasing safety.