State Rep. Hugh McKean (R-Loveland) last week took to Facebook to defend his vote for a state program providing drivers licenses to immigrants.
Colorado GOP lawmakers look to impose mandated waiting periods and ultrasounds for abortions
Another affront on abortion was introduced in Colorado’s state legislature last week.
Progressive groups call on Gardner to side with Colorado, not Trump
A broad coalition of progressive organizations vowed today to maintain pressure on U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) to face constituents at a town hall meeting while Gardner is in Colorado during the current two-week Congressional recess.
FACT CHECK: Brauchler’s false claim that one juror blocked death verdict
On a right-wing radio show Wednesday, GOP gubernatorial candidate George Brauchler again said he was one juror away from getting a death penalty verdict against the Aurora theater shooter.
Gardner suggests using debt limit to shrink government
On a conservative radio show yesterday, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) proposed tying any increase in the U.S. debt limit to reducing government regulations, raising the specter of stock market gyrations and economic problems that have accompanied uncertainty about America’s commitment making payments on its debt in the past.
Colorado Springs election voter guide
If you live in Colorado Springs, you might have noticed there’s an election coming up. Or maybe you haven’t, judging by the already low voter turnout.
Candidate for Colorado Springs City Council once pushed controversial anti-abortion legislation
Janak Joshi, who’s running for the Colorado Springs City Council District 6 seat, was a controversial character during his time as a Colorado state Representative.
Colorado Springs City Council candidate responds to opponent’s criminal complaint against her campaign, defies policy research & analysis
Last Sunday, conservative talk radio host Tron Simpson of KVOR’s Weekend Talk with Tron, interviewed Colorado Springs City Council candidate for District 5, Lynette Crow-Iverson, to discuss her position on issues related to the city, and to address the issue of a criminal complaint filed with the El Paso District Attorney against her campaign by her opponent, incumbent city council member, Jill Gaebler.
Buck would have voted for the Obamacare replacement bill in part because Trump “deserves a honeymoon”
U.S. Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) told a conservative radio host Friday that he would have supported the GOP’s proposal to replace Obamacare, if it had come up for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives last week.
Colorado Common Cause to host discussion on how to fight fake news
Colorado Common Cause will host a happy hour and discussion Thursday, April 6, on “Fighting Fake News in the Digital Age.”