An open letter to those considering becoming members of the club I joined years ago.
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By Pardoning His Son Hunter, Biden Fails a Spiritual Test
I have been asked what my spiritual or ethical take is on the controversies surrounding pardons. Of particular interest is President Biden granting his son what looks to be an even better deal than getting a Monopoly game ‘Get Out of Jail, Free’ card. Specifically, my readers want to know if I would have pardoned Hunter if he were my child.
In Praise of Lengthy Campaign Seasons
When Joe Biden and Donald Trump made their decision to run again for office, I was thinking “This is no good.” In fact, I was certain it was a terribly awful, horribly bad predicament we were facing. How had it come to this, that we were looking at a rematch of the aged – men who had long ago stopped putting in a full, hard day’s work, if ever, and who had clearly chosen to ignore what millions of us were thinking about their severely diminished fitness to hold that powerful position.
Letter to the Editor: ‘Do Not Do to Someone What is Hateful to You’
Editor’s note: This letter is in response to Logan Davis’ column, published by the Colorado Times Recorder on July 10 2024, titled “What if the Worst Happens?“
‘Where Wounds Can Heal:’ A Mental Health Awareness Month Story
May is mental health awareness month. Like many of you, I too have been through a prolonged journey trying to help a family member through the horrors of this unexpected illness. Radical effort continues.
Letters to the Editor: Xcel Greenwashing and Reasons to Vote
New CEO, Same Climate Greenwashing and Gas Problems by Trevor Slansky
Letter to the Editor: Attempting to Clear Up a Misunderstanding
Editor’s note: This letter was written by Giselle Massi in response to a response to her letter to the editor titled, “Attempting to Explain Vaccine Hesitancy.” The response, written by a CTR reader named Lloyd Guthrie was titled, “Anti-Vaxxers Should Start Their Lectures With a Hard Look in the Mirror.”
Letter to the Editor: Attempting to Explain Vaccine Hesitancy
By now those who either do not wear masks or else have decided not to ever get any of the available coronavirus vaccines are pretty familiar with the epithets directed at them. Comments range from benign titles to fighting words, and for the most part, continue to land on deaf ears.