Conservative anti-transgender activists in Colorado are using recent Olympic controversies to promote their political agenda and ballot initiatives, despite the fact that the athletes involved are not transgender.

Algerian boxer Imane Khelif won her opening Olympic boxing bout on Thursday when opponent Angela Carini of Italy quit after just 46 seconds. Khelif was disqualified from the 2023 world championships after failing an unspecified gender eligibility test administered by the Russian-led International Boxing Association (IBA), which has long faced questions about integrity and concerns about governance.

The IBA disregarded International Olympic Committee recommendations and allowed Russian fighters to compete at the 2023 world championships under the Russian flag. The governing body then disqualified Khelif only after Khelif defeated Russian boxer Azalia Amineva during the tournament.

Conservative activists who oppose the inclusion of transgender people in sports and civic life have jumped on the controversy.

“Of all the depravity gender ideology has surfaced — and the devastating harm it has caused — watching a female athlete get beat up by a man on a global stage is among the most disgraceful,” said Kristen Waggoner, President and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the conservative legal advocacy group challenging changes to Title IX. “How many women’s records and bodies must be broken for institutions to stand up for women? What unfolded in women’s boxing at the Olympics is a glimpse into the future the Biden-Harris admin envisions for women with the Title IX ruling going into effect today. Americans should be outraged over this. And women must stand up for themselves and push back. If the institutions won’t stand up for us, then we need to do it for ourselves.”

Khelif, however, is not a man and is not transgender. In Algeria, homosexuality and any kind of medical or social transition is prohibited by law. Throughout her boxing career, Khelif has been defeated — nine times — by her female opponents.

“These attempts at defamation, based on lies, are completely unfair, especially at a crucial time when [Khelif] is preparing for the Olympic Games, the peak of her career,” said Algeria’s Olympic Committee in a statement. “The COA has taken all necessary measures to protect our champion. Imane Khelif perfectly embodies the spirit of excellence, determination and resilience of our athletes. Despite these unfounded criticisms, we have unwavering confidence in her abilities and are convinced that she will shine at the Olympic Games.”

From left: Riley Gaines, Heidi Ganahl, and Eli Bremer

Despite the fact that Khelif is not transgender, Eli Bremer, a former Olympian, founder of the anti-transgender political action committee Nine PAC, and contender for Colorado GOP Chair Dave Williams’ seat, took to KVOR’s Richard Randall show to condemn Khelif.

“I personally believe — and this is most sport policy — if you have XY chromosomes, you don’t belong in women’s sports, even if you were identified female at birth,” said Bremer. “The reason for that is that you actually have the male reproductive organs, but they are internal to your body, which means that you are actually a biological male who produces testosterone and matures effectively as a male. If you look at these athlete’s bodies, that’s where they are. So I don’t know if they’re identifying themselves as transgender or if they’re a biological male who was identified female at birth, but either way, they are biological male and they do not belong in women’s sports.”

Ellen Daehnick, the Denver area anti-transgender activist who identifies as a Democrat, also condemned Khelif. “They’re not sort of men, they’re not kind of men,” she said. “They have XY chromosomes. They are men. They are mediocre men who think that they can win by beating up women in the women’s boxing division. And I think anyone who says it’s fun to watch men beat up women needs to check themselves.”

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), blamed Vice President Kamala Harris for Khelif’s victory. “Many of us watched in horror as Angela Carini was beaten up by a man in the Olympic boxing match today,” Boebert posted on social media. “Kamala Harris won’t condemn or speak out against what she saw, because she supports men playing in women’s sports. She’s the embodiment of the radical Left.”

Bremer did laud the U.S.A. women’s rugby team. “We won a bronze medal in rugby, and all of a sudden Americans became rugby fans,” he said. “Not because of rugby, but because we’re cheering on team USA.”

Ilona Maher, a member of the women’s rugby team, has faced exactly the kinds of criticism that Bremer and Daehnick have leveled against Khelif during her career. “I always get these comments, but recently it kind of ramped up,” she said in a TikTok video in 2022. “I get comments being called a man and being called masculine and, [people] ask if I’m on steroids. There will always be negative people out there, and they put women in a box, and they think women should be fragile and petite and quiet and meek, but that’s not the case. Women can be strong, and they can have broad shoulders, and they can take up space, and they can be big. I think I’m getting emotional because I feel very passionate about this. Don’t let anybody try to define or dictate how you feel about yourself. You get to decide that. Keep shining, keep being you. And remember, your body is perfect. Being small, tall, short, whatever body you’re in, that’s the body of a woman.”