
Shortly after the Republicans’ mind-altering loss last year’s election, Trump-hating Republican pundit Dick Wadhams wrote in Colorado Politics that if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis runs in 2024, “Colorado might be in play.”

Since then, DeSantis has been running wild on the social conservatism front, pushing a six-week abortion ban through the Florida Legislature this week, making himself the poster child for extreme abortion restrictions across America.

Here in Colorado, the fight for an abortion ban was first lost over a decade ago, and the losing streak has never stopped since then.

And Republicans who carry on the battle in statewide elections will lose.

But don’t believe me; hear it from a right-wing conservative.

“There are only certain places in the country, and we ain’t one of them, where you can take strong positions on limiting abortion whatever it is and not suffer at the polls,” said Republican George Brauchler on KNUS Monday. “Georgia is one of them. Florida may be one of them. Texas could be one of them. But it ain’t here in Colorado. That’s for sure. This and the stolen election stuff, man, we are going to be relegated to a junior party.”

Does Wadhams still think Colorado might be “in play” if DeSantis is the GOP nominee?

He didn’t return my call asking the question, leaving me no choice but to answer it for him, and I’ll just quote Brauchler again on his view of what an abortion-banning Republican Party means in Colorado: “Man, we’re are going to be relegated to a junior party.”

Wadhams would likely agree that DeSantis’ abortion stance means Colorado will be out of play if DeSantis is the nominee.


“We are going to continue to lose for a couple of reasons,” said Brauchler on air, and he should know being a smart guy who’s lost a few elections himself. “One, we are going to continue to cling to the stolen election thing. And two, we’re going to continue to say, ‘We don’t want to have an abortion anywhere at any time.’ And even if you’re pro-life and I am, to believe that that policy will not cost you elections in a lot of America, you are whistling past the graveyard, if you believe that that’s true.”