“Does anyone know who employed Darwin, where Darwinism comes from? Look it up: the Rothschilds.”
When it comes to anti-Semitic tropes, the Rothschilds is an old one — dating back more than 200 years. And despite the fact that the conspiracies attributed to them — and by extension to all Jews — have been exhaustively investigated and disproven myriad times, former 60 Minutes correspondent and outspoken anti-Semite Lara Logan clearly has an anti-Jewish agenda to push.
The quote above was hers, from her appearance on the QAnon-affiliated podcast And We Know on March 28. Logan’s career has been in a tailspin since she was ejected from CBS News and 60 Minutes after they had to retract her story on Benghazi, and then even sidelined by Fox News for her comparison of Anthony Fauci to notorious Nazi murderer Josef Mengele. That last ugly display also cost her her representation by United Talent Agency, who cut ties with her shortly after the segment aired.
The fact that she has a job in anything approaching a journalism field at this point is beyond laughable. Darwin was independently wealthy; his family’s fortune came largely from his mother’s side. She was the daughter of Josiah Wedgwood who made his fortune via the Wedgwood company, which revolutionized the industrialization of pottery in Europe in the late 18th Century. The Rothschilds had no interest whatsoever in Darwin’s scientific pursuits. Never mind the fact that Logan also was openly questioning the veracity of the Theory of Evolution as well.
The upsetting part is that she has so much company these days when it comes to the ubiquity of anti-Semitic activity on our shores and across the globe. In the last week alone:
- Two teens were sentenced to probation in Florida for vandalizing Rabbi Mendy Greenberg’s property — tagging his home with the word “Jews,” destroying his mailbox and smashing his car window.
- The NYPD reported a 409% increase in hate crimes targeting Jewish New Yorkers, year-over-year, and a 275% rise in January alone.
- A man was arrested for being involved with a group who threw eggs at Jews outside of synagogues in North London, UK, and tagged the Edgeware neighborhood with anti-Semitic graffiti such as “Hail [sic] Hitler, Fuck Jews.”
- A Jewish Russian journalist and vocal critic of the Russian war against Ukraine had a pig’s head with anti-Semitic slurs scrawled on it left at the door of his apartment.
- A Dutch Jewish man revealed in an interview that he has been repeatedly physically and verbally by a local anti-Semitic street gang since 2020 and despite reporting it to authorities, no action has been taken.
- An audit released March 24 by the Milwaukee Jewish Community Relations Council found 95 reported incidents of anti-Semitism in Wisconsin in 2021, which is only four incidents away from their record high in 2020 of 99.
- On March 30, Curia Research released their findings of their Antisemitism Survey of New Zealand 2021. They found that 63% of New Zealanders agree with at least one antisemitic view and 6% hold nine or more antisemitic views out of the 18 questions posed to quantify antisemitic views.
- In the last week alone, 11 people have been murdered and more injured in three separate ISIS and Fatah terrorist attacks inside Israel, which has been met with a remarkable silence across U.S. media outlets.
- A California woman is facing hate crime charges stemming from an incident in a park in Orange county where she was wearing a swastika armband and engaged in a physical altercation with an 82-year-old man who asked her to remove it. This comes after the OC Human Relations Commission reported that hate crimes are up 35% in the county.
While the numbers for 2021 haven’t come out yet, the FBI 2020 Hate Crime report revealed a sobering statistic: When adjusted for population, Jews are the number one ethnic group targeted by hate crimes in the United States.

This all begs the bigger question for you: What are you doing about it?