In a Facebook post, labeled “What Really Happened in Washington,” the Delta County GOP summarized a 90-minute briefing, delivered at its monthly meeting Jan. 12, by six people who attended Trump’s Jan. 6 speech.

“The crowd was incredibly well-behaved, civil, and nice to each other,” stated the Facebook post.

One of the six people who briefed Delta Republicans was described as a “member of local law enforcement” and said he encountered an Antifa activist disguised in a National Guard uniform carrying bottles of gasoline, and he intended to “cause mayhem” at the U.S Capitol, according to the Facebook post.

The author of the post and Delta County GOP member Gary Hubbell says he did not attend the riots in Washington and does not recall exactly who provided information about the Antifa activist sighting.

He does, however, believe there is a very high chance that Antifa activists were present at the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

“They were agitating,” he said. “They were there.”

At the same time, Hubbell says there is no way of knowing how many Antifa members were present at the Capitol riots. 

Delta County GOP Chairman Roger Bentley says he does not know of any law enforcement agency claiming Antifa was involved in the Capitol breach. 

“From my vantage point I did not recognize any Antifa,” he said. “Nor did I feel unsafe at the speech or the Capitol.”

Photo from the Delta County GOP website

The Delta County GOP had promoted a “Caravan for Freedom” to shuttle Delta County GOP members to the deadly Jan. 6 riot in Washington D.C.

In a press briefing following the violent attack on the U.S Capitol, FBI assistant director Steven D’Antuono said the agency has “no indication” that Antifa played a role in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Congress. 

Politifact finds no proof to substantiate rumors of Antifa storming the Capitol, but says evidence of Trump supporters’ participation in the riot is “indisputable.”