This story first appeared in High Country News on Feb. 1, 2024.
Hannah Jones: Wolves, Butterflies, and Collection Agencies
Comedian Hannah Jones gives a recap on Colorado news you might have missed this week.
Killing Wolves Isn’t the Best Way To Stop Them From Preying on Colorado Livestock, Says Expert
Predation of livestock is an old problem that extends back over numerous countries, cultures, and centuries. Shepherds like David protected his flocks with a staff and a slingshot. Masai warriors in Kenya protect their cattle herds from lions with thorn fences and spears. Non-lethal and lethal means have long been used to discourage or kill predators, but as predators like lions, bears, tigers, and wolves become endangered and recognized for their valuable roles in ecosystems, there is a greater emphasis on predation prevention.
Colorado Lawmaker Claims Wolves Will Hunt Hikers and Skiers
This November, Colorado voters will decide whether to reintroduce wolves to the state’s Western Slope. Most opposition to the proposal comes from ranchers in the region who are concerned for their livestock.