Earlier this month, Denver Coroner Dr. James Caruso traveled to Peru to examine the allegedly “alien” Nazca mummies. Caruso was part of a team of American scientists who held an April 4 press conference in Nazca, Peru. Joining Caruso was Dr. John McDowell, a forensic odontologist and retired professor at the University of Colorado who volunteers as a consultant with the Denver Office of the Medical Examiner, and William Rodriguez, a forensic anthropologist for the Maryland State Medical Examiner.
Getting Weird at the Pikes Peak Paranormal Conference
UFO enthusiasts, ghost hunters, and bigfoot researchers gathered in Cripple Creek this weekend for the first Pikes Peak Paranormal Conference. Founded by cryptozoologist and monster hunter David Eller and paranormal author Jeanne Gripp, the Pikes Peak Paranormal Conference brought together representatives from a wide array of paranormal disciplines, including experts like Chuck Zukowski and Katie Paige, the director of Colorado’s chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).
‘More People Believe in UFOs Than Believe in Congress,’ Says Congressman at Denver UFO Symposium
In May, the U.S. House Intelligence Committee held a public hearing on unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), or as most people know them, UFOs. The hearing marked a historic shift in how the government has approached the topic of UFOs. No longer are UFOs the subject of ridicule and derision, but a legitimate subject of inquiry for the military and the federal government.
House Hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon: ‘They Are Real’
The U.S. House Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation (C3) Subcommittee held an open hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, or UAP, which addressed the work of the recently created UAP Task Force. It was the first public hearing regarding the U.S. government’s investigations into unexplained phenomena since the 2017 New York Times article which revealed the existence of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), a military program that investigated reports of UFOs, and the June, 2021, release of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s preliminary report from the UAP Task Force.