With former President Donald Trump set to campaign in Aurora on Friday, the Denver Gazette, owned by Republican billionaire Phil Anschutz, is continuing its Facebook advertising campaign that promotes hysteria and falsehoods about Venezuelan gangs.
Phil Anschutz
2023 Review: The Conservative Stain of Phil Anschutz on His Newspapers in Colorado
The Colorado Times Recorder published a series of articles this year addressing concerns about the expansion of Republican activist Phil Anschutz’s media empire in Colorado. The series documents that the conservative views and business interests of the owner infect his news sites, despite the presence of a nationally respected editor at the top.
After Endorsing Boebert As an ‘Impassioned Leader,’ Phil Anschutz’s Newspaper Now Calls for Her Ouster
If you see an editorial from the Colorado Springs Gazette, owned by GOP billionaire Phil Anschutz, it’s probably because some extreme or ludicrous opinion has viralized into your inbox, not because you make a point to read the newspaper’s positions.
How Anschutz’s Gazette Killed a News Story 7 Years Ago — And Why It Matters Today
Ryan Maye Handy knew she was taking a risk when she decided to write a story that an executive at the Broadmoor hotel, which is owned by Republican donor Phil Anschutz, had told her not to publish.
Spiked: A Conservative ‘Shadow’ Hangs Over Colorado Newspapers Owned by GOP Billionaire Phil Anschutz
Vince Bzdek, the editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette, had already forced Megan Schrader to lower her ethical bar — as a journalist — well below her comfort level.
Colorado’s ‘Hate State’ History: Then & Now
Once upon a time, Colorado was known as the ‘Hate State,’ and the ghosts of that past still haunt the state’s politics to this day.
The Only Journalist Featured at Conservative Conference Is an Editor at a Newspaper Owned by GOP Donor Phil Anschutz
Why is Colorado Politics Editor Luige del Puerto the only journalist featured at a giant gathering of conservatives in Denver?
Gazette Opinion Editor Directs Staff Not to Capitalize “Black” in Regard to Race
Early last week, Wayne Laugesen, editorial page editor for the trio of Anschutz-owned Colorado media properties (the Gazette in Colorado Springs, Denver Gazette and Colorado Politics), sent a one-line email to his staff.
Colorado Times Recorder’s Ads Punch Back at the Denver Gazette’s Attack Ads
You may have noticed ads flying around online from the Denver Gazette urging you to “leave” The Denver Post “in the past” and turn to the Gazette for “news you can trust.”
Who Did — and Did Not — Attend El Paso County GOP’s Marjorie Taylor Greene Fundraiser Stirs Up Right-Wing Activists
Last Friday, Aug. 6, the El Paso County GOP hosted its annual fundraising event in Colorado Springs, a Lincoln Day Dinner featuring their top-billed speaker, controversial and embattled U. S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).