Coloradso Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne hiked Boulder County’s Sawhill Ponts Trail Saturday with State Rep. Faith Winter, Lafayette Mayor Christine Berg, and over a dozen members of Colorado Mom’s Know Best, a group aiming to spotlight the connection between clean air and children’s health.
One Colorado to honor “allies to LGBTQ Coloradans”
The state’s leading advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Coloradans and their families, will honor allies Saturday beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons in Denver.
Harber to produce weekly TV interview shows on election topics
Denver television fixture Aaron Harber will again produce an extensive series of TV interview shows, called Your Decision 2016, focusing on Colorado election races, ballot initiatives, and related issues beginning no later than Sept. 25 and ending Nov. 6.
“Paid surrogate” of Trump allegedly threatened to put a bullet in the head of fellow Republican
Progressives can argue, yes, but you wonder how recent Trump backer Cory Gardner would respond to fellow Republican Kendal Unrah, who outlined what she sees as the Trump campaign’s strategy to force Republicans to back Trump:
Amendment on ballot would allow end-of-life option for terminally ill
Voters will decide in November whether they want to terminally ill adults to have the option of shortening their lives.
Radio host would “rather have David Duke” than Hillary Clinton
The collapse of Trump is being taken especially hard by radio hosts who don’t like Hillary. Here, Dan Meurer, who’s heard on KLZ 560-AM’s afternoon drive show, says he’d rather have David Duke as president.
Coffman still supports dropping bilingual ballot requirement
It’s difficult to write about what Rep. Mike Coffman actually believes these these days, because it’s so hard to sort out how he sounds like he’s changed from how he’s actually changed.
Gail Schwartz, running for U.S. Representative, endorsed by NARAL
A prominent national pro-choice advocacy group announced on Wednesday that it will endorse former state Senator Gail Schwartz in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District race, where Schwartz is seeking to unseat incumbent Sen. Scott Tipton.
Colorado Women for Trump join radio host in criticizing Coffman
KNUS 710-AM’s Backbone Radio host, Matt Dunn, a stalwart defender and proponent of GOP nominee Donald Trump for President, discusses (in the audio below) Republican voter appetite for GOP Congressman Mike Coffman following the release of the campaign ad where Coffman distances himself from supporting Trump.
Minimum-wage initiative will appear on November ballot
Poponents of instituting a $12 minimum wage in Colorado reached a milestone today, when Colorado’s Secretary of State affirmed that enough valid signatures had been submitted to place the measure on November’s election ballot.