In a voice mail sent to an Arapahoe County municipal lawmaker in July, a woman who identified herself as Kathleen Conti voiced her opposition to the “mask-wearing mandate,” saying “private businesses are able to do that on their own,” and, “We do not need a mandate and a heavy hand coming down on people.”
Latest posts - Page 39
Trump Campaign Included Proud Boys in Political Ad Released After CO Springs Rally
Last night may have been the first time Trump addressed the Proud Boys directly, telling the white nationalist group during the debate to “Stand back and stand by.”
Health Expert Says Boebert Campaign “Stoking Mistrust” of “Heroes” Who Work in Public Health
In response to her stance against public health orders and her campaign events that do not follow social distancing recommendations, Colorado congressional candidate Lauren Boebert is being called a COVID-backlash candidate. And she’s embracing the label, calling it “Trump-esque,” in a good way.
Some CO Republicans in Key Races Are Hiding Their Stance on Trump
Multiple Colorado Republicans in swing districts won’t say anything about what’s arguably the most important topic of the November election: Donald Trump.
Suzanne Staiert Scrubs Campaign Website of Info About Her Partisan Republican Background
In an apparent effort to give herself a nonpartisan shine, Suzanne Staiert, a Republican who’s running for a critical state Senate seat in Arapahoe County, has scrubbed information about her partisan background from her campaign website.
McConnell: Gardner Is Likely To Be “Key Vote” That Gets Supreme Court Nominee “Across the Finish Line”
In an email to supporters this morning, U.S. Senate leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky wrote that Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner will “likely be a key vote that gets [Trump’s Supreme Court] nominee across the finish line when she comes up for a vote.”
Census Takers Still Looking for 5% of CO Households
There’s one more week to ensure everyone in the U.S. is included in the 2020 Census.
Let Boebert Grow Up, Say Her Defenders. But Read the Report of Arresting Officer and See What You Think
Colorado congressional candidate Lauren Boebert continues to downplay the seriousness of her history of arrests, saying they resulted in minor fines and charges.
With a Supreme Court Seat Now Open, Will Gardner Argue for Delay, As He Did Four Years Ago?
The Colorado Times Recorder is re-posting this piece, published on the four-year anniversary of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death, in light of the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
FACT CHECK: Suzanne Staiert Claims Credit for Implementing CO Mail Voting System She Opposed
On her campaign website for a key state senate race, Republican Suzanne Staiert promotes herself as having “implemented Colorado’s mail ballot system” without mentioning that she’d previously opposed it.