In 2024, the Colorado Times Recorder branched out its coverage of conservative media into a new sphere: movies, often with a right-wing or conspiratorial bent. Here, you can read all the reviews from this year.
Jan 10 – Are you worried, against all evidence and logic, about vaccine-pushing Antifa Satanists stealing U.S. elections? Then “Let My People Go,” a new conservative conspiracy film which purports to be “rooted in biblical themes and archetypes” may be the movie for you.
REVIEW: The 2022 Documentary Defending Convicted Clerk Tina Peters Has Aged Worse Than Milk
Aug 16 – Many of the issues brought to light in Peters’ trial paint the narrative portrayed by “Selection Code” in a much more clearly negative way.
REVIEW: What a Silent Film From 1916 Can Teach Us About Far-Right Hypocrisy Today
Oct 2 – Creating “Intolerance” was so expensive that the filmmaker no longer had enough money to take them down. That’s a good metaphor for the movie as a whole: an overinflated colossus that ultimately threatens to collapse under its own weight.
REVIEW: The Latest ‘God’s Not Dead’ Film Aims to Turn Out Christian-Right Voters

Nov 5 – “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust” directs the series’ faith film scope towards national party politics – and its creators hope that their fictional narrative can create a real-world impact in this election.
REVIEW: Kirk Cameron’s Christmas Movie is a Conservative Holiday Fever Dream
Dec 19 – In his 2014 film “Saving Christmas,” evangelist Kirk Cameron defends the holiday not from liberals, but from other Christians. His arguments are… unorthodox, to say the least.