It is time once again for our weekly roundup of articles relating to political extremism in Colorado. This week, we feature Logan Davis’ column where he shows how conservative activists have been laying the groundwork to challenge the results of the 2024 election based on misinformation about ‘illegal immigrants’ voting. Other highlights include Erik Maulbetsch’s analysis of Gabe Evans’ support from groups that endorse the use of corporal punishment in schools and my coverage of a candidate for the Colorado House of Representatives who posted a cartoon from self-avowed racist. In addition, read Cassandra Ballard and the staff at Sentinel Colorado’s coverage of an Aurora City councilwoman’s accusations that Gov. Jared Polis (D-CO) and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston were smuggling migrants into Aurora. 

Davis: They’re Going to Blame Immigrants

Davis offers an analysis of the anti-immigrant sentiment that has reached a fevered pitch in this year’s election. While debates on immigration have long been a fixture of the American landscape, the arguments have been supercharged due to the hyperfocus by Republican candidates on the topic. The paranoia around undocumented immigrants voting in elections has been pushed by everyone from the Republican nominee to the president to local city council people and may be used to challenge the results of the 2024 election.

Evans’ Support of Group that Defends Christian Homeschoolers Who Hit Their Kids Isn’t Suprising

Congressional candidate Gabe Evans raised eyebrows when he stood by his vote against banning corporal punishment in schools. It came up in a debate with Rep. Yadira Caraveo (D-Thornton) on 9News. Evans’ stance on the matter may come as a surprise to some voters, but the groups Evans has been a member of and his relationship with a prominent Christian nationalist Michael Farris have telegraphed where Evans stood on the issue.

CO GOP Statehouse Candidate After Inquiry About Racist Cartoon He Posted Online

A candidate for Colorado’s 57th House District, Caleb Waller, posted a comic with racist overtones to Facebook, writing, “I think this is how a lot of Americans feel right now!” While Waller initially did not see how the comic could be construed as racist, he later admitted that it could be interpreted as an issue of race. The HD57 will likely be a competitive race as Colorado Democrats fight to keep their supermajority.

Sentinel Colorado: Without evidence, council member accuses governor, Denver mayor of smuggling migrants into Aurora


Aurora City Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky, hot off her appearance at Trump’s rally at the Gaylord Resort, has continued her crusade against nonprofits aimed at helping immigrants. In a recent city council meeting, Jurinsky accused both Polis and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston of sneaking migrants into Aurora. Jurinsky said in a statement that: “I believe that Gov. (Jared) Polis and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston conspired to sneak potentially thousands of migrants into our city, using several nonprofits in the metro (area) that ultimately put the safety of our citizens at risk.”