So, amigo
it’s trust that’s a must
in the miasmatic mess that inflicts us

I get it. 
Who’s got it? Go on! 
Gotta be gittin’

No use sitting afloat in a dugout 
canoe on Brasil’s Rio Moa
watching la Floresta

than to be squat flat on a ‘Merican butt
suburbed in the colonial style 

if we don’t make connections…

Plug new neurons to old synapses

In the film Taste of the Land by Adam
Loften & Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee*

we grok the lives of a Cambodian
tribal family through the lens of

a Yale/UCLA 
filmmaker lawyer wise woman

Forest demands 
the attention needed to learn
Cinema’s quicker & almost can do the same

Dolores LaChapelle insisted 
we take every opportunity to learn 
what the land teaches us

As one of my college teachers taught me
films are the myths we tell ourselves

we learn to trust our mates
or move on
spiraling deeper into the mystery

Like doing something different
Like what we did 
in the Sixties, San Fran

Doing one’s own thing
Choosing one’s own stories
Trusting ourselves

She He They Them Otros
Siblings one-and-all 
ought-to-be US

Just how far 
are we from deep ecology?”
asks Capt. Barefoot 
out in the Cloud Acre willow carr

Shaking both fists 
at clouds & contrails 
McRedeye roars 
“A helluvaways!”