
Last week, during an appearance on KHOW’s Dan Caplis Show, Republican strategist Dick Wadhams criticized Colorado GOP Chairman Dave Williams for dividing the party and for failing to maintain the party’s voter outreach initiatives.

Wadhams is the latest of many Republican leaders, including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who have spoken out against Williams. 

Wadhams main complaint is that, under Williams, the Colorado GOP is not running many of its usual canvassing, fundraising, and outreach efforts that historically have been central to Republican get-out-the-vote efforts in Colorado.

“That is one of the fundamental duties of the state chairman in the state party: to identify and get out the Republican vote. And nothing is happening on that front,” said Wadhams, who served as Colorado’s GOP leader 13 years ago.  “[Williams] has no time to do the fundamental role of the Colorado Republican Party, which is to get the Republican vote out.

“And so Republicans will suffer this election because of that.”

With criticism coming from Boebert on the far-right and from the more moderate Wadhams, who has said he won’t vote for Trump, Williams now faces disapproval from all sides of the Republican party.


When a caller on the show asked Wadhams who he would support to replace Williams, he was quick to name Eli Bremer, who competed in the 2008 Olympics and has run for several offices in Colorado, including for U.S. Senate.

“If Dave Williams is deposed in a couple of weeks, I think Eli’s running to replace him, and I think Eli Bremer would be an outstanding chairman,” said Wadhams.

In 2011, Wadhams decided not to seek another term as leader of the Colorado Republican Party, writing in a good-bye letter at the time that he was tired of GOP activists who see “conspiracies around every corner.”

When Wadhams appeared on air with Dan Caplis in March of this year, he said that he would not vote for Trump if he were the Republican nominee.