Anthony Fauci. Hunter Biden. Kamala Harris. The IRS. George Soros.
Those are a few of the targets Colorado’s Republican members of Congress want to investigate if the GOP gains a majority in the U.S. House in next week’s election. With that majority would come the power to set the agenda of House committees, including the topics of hearings and investigations, which could include subpoenas.
In May, U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) revealed his list of investigations that he’d like a Republican-controlled House to launch.
“I’m going to let you in on private conversations we’re having among ourselves, the conservatives in Congress,” Lamborn told a hard-right audience in the Road Church in Colorado Springs. “God-willing if we take back the majority — I’m speaking as a Republican — you can do more things in the majority than you can in the minority. For instance, you can’t issue subpoenas in the minority, but you can in the majority.”

Lamborn wants House investigations into the IRS, “illegal” leaks under Obama, the Justice Department’s alleged targeting of conservative school board activists, and leaks of the tax returns of Trump and other “wealthy individuals.”
Lamborn also wants the Republican House to find out where COVID “really” came from and if “all of the mandates and closures were really necessary.” He wants the House to dig into the National Security Agency’s alleged investigation into Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. “That’s a serious problem,” said Lamborn, referring to Carlson at the May event.
For his part, U.S. Rep. Ken Buck wants to investigate whether George Soros was behind the violence at Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.
“We have to look back, and that’s where Hunter Biden is, and that’s where Dr. Fauci is,” Buck told Matt Connelly with the conservative Campfire Colorado. “And we need to look forward, and that’s where [Secretary of Homeland Security] Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkis is. And that’s where some of the real culprits in the Biden failed policies are. I think they are all part of this game.”
“I personally am fascinated by, how did that violence in the summer of 2020 exist and get swept under the carpet,” said Buck. “I want to know whether George Soros and others were behind that. And I want to have an investigation and look at that.”
“There are so many investigations. This is a target-rich environment,” said Buck.
Lauren Boebert filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in March.
Impeachment hearings could move forward under Republicans.
Nationally, Republicans have vowed “to conduct high-profile inquiries into Hunter Biden, the president’s son; the administration’s handling of migrants at the border; and the chaotic exit of U.S. troops from Afghanistan,” according to a June New York Times report.
Campfire Colorado recently asked U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who would likely be Speaker of the House if Republicans gain control of the chamber, where he’d “start” with the topics to be investigated by the House under his leadership.
“Why don’t we know where COVID originated from?” he asked Connelly (here at nine minutes). “Why don’t we know what happened in Afghanistan those last two months?”
“Why did the DOJ go after parents, and call them terrorists, simply because they went to a school board meeting? You’ve got to reign in the government that goes after that,” he said.