On September 27, Healthy School Meals for All, the organization backing Proposition FF, which would provide children attending public schools across the state with access to free meals, released the names of over 100 Colorado nonprofits that have endorsed the measure that’s on the November election ballot.
President and CEO of Mile High United Way, Christine Benero emphasized the need to provide equitable access to nutritious foods for families with young children: “The skyrocketing price of food has made it very difficult for families struggling in this economy to put healthy food on the table.”
If passed, Proposition FF will ensure students have access to free and quality meals while providing schools with the necessary funding to use healthy and nutritious ingredients, rather than relying on processed foods.
The measure would support Colorado farmers and ranchers by reimbursing schools that purchase locally-sourced food, benefiting the state’s food systems, the economy, and students’ health.

Currently, over 60,000 children across the state of Colorado are unable to afford school meals, yet do not qualify for free or reduced-price programs. Advocates say a family of three that makes more than $42,606 per year doesn’t qualify for free school meals. By voting YES, voters can help up to 40% more children from going hungry, they say.
Ashley Wheeland, the Policy Director for Hunger Free Colorado, released a statement of gratitude for the support: “Our coalition is so excited to have the support of over 100 nonprofits and other organizations, all of which have come together so no child goes hungry because their family can’t afford a nutritious meal.”