You knew that the only thing stopping Congresswoman-elect Lauren Boebert (R-CO) from exploding across the conservative underworld nationally was actually getting elected.
Now that she’s cleared that obstacle, Boebert is lighting up social media, Fox News, and other right-wing platforms as she launches her national campaign for…anything that will draw more attention to herself.
That’s the theme that runs through Boebert’s life. To the extent she’s been successful in business and politics, it’s because she knows how to get attention.
The latest sign of her national rise is her travel schedule.
She was on the radio over the weekend bragging not about returning to Colorado in December to talk to constituents but, instead, about “fun trips,” first to Georgia to inflame right wingers there in hopes of getting them to vote.
“A couple of fun trips in December that we are taking,” Boebert told KNUS’ Randy Corporon Friday. “I’m gong to Georgia to help with the Senate races. And I’ll be down there with Senator Cruz. And we’ll be rallying the troops down there” (here at 43:30).
Republicans are worried that Trump’s lies about rigged elections will keep loyal and logical conservatives from voting in Georgia’s upcoming Senate election, because, why vote if the election is rigged anyway?
Boebert continues to not only question the election results, but also attacks any elected official who isn’t doing the same.
This presumably includes Georgia’s Republican governor and secretary of state, both of whom stand by their state’s verified election results which show Joe Biden as the winner.
A Republican disaster in Georgia’s Senate runoff election would throw the entire U.S. Senate to the Democrats if both Dem candidates win in January.
Republicans apparently believe Boebert is the person to motivate right-wingers in Georgia to go vote, which may be true judging from her performance in Colorado and on right-wing media platforms. Her story about confronting Beto O’Rourke swoons the GOP base.
Nevermind that Boebert herself is a national leader in pushing Trump’s lie about an unfair and fraud-riddled election. If she doesn’t restrain herself, her “stolen election” message may prove counterproductive, keeping Republicans away from the polls. Boebert told Corporon Friday that she’s joined the ultra-right Freedom Caucus, several members of which are also still trying to overturn the election.
In Georgia, Boebert will join Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who also backed Trump’s unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud.
Salon’s Roger Sollenberger reported today that Boebert received a letter from the Federal Election Commission for failing to disclose political donations solicited jointly with Cruz. So the two can talk about that, even if they stop talking about corrupt elections.
After Georgia, and her likely appearances on Fox, it’s on to Florida for Boebert’s second fun trip.
“I’ll be speaking in Florida, on my birthday in December, in front of 7,000 youth for Turning Point USA. So I am so encouraged about that.”
I doubt health experts, much less worried people in her district, share Boebert’s encouragement.