Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) will be the guest of honor tomorrow at the Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) luncheon, Saturday, Sept. 7 in Englewood.

The RSVP-only event costs $25 and takes place at Maggiano’s in the Denver Tech Center.

From an email sent August 25th by the Parker Republicans:

On September 7th, The Colorado Federation of Republican Women will be having their meeting with U.S. Senator Cory Gardner delivering the Keynote address. It is at Maggiano’s Little Italy at 7401 S Clinton St. Englewood, CO 80112 with check-in at 11 a.m. Reservations are required, please call 303-898-0510 and it is $25 per person. Ladies, don’t forget to bring your gentleman. Hurry though, tomorrow is the deadline to register.

The invitation reminds members, “don’t forget to bring your gentlemen.”

The event does not appear on the CFRW website, nor is it listed anywhere on Sen. Gardner’s site. It is featured publicly, however, on the Arapahoe County Republicans site.

According to the email the deadline for registration was August 26, however an email RSVP submitted late Friday afternoon via the site form resulted in a “Thank You for Registering” reply from Arapahoe Vice Chair Brenda Stokes.