In a Colorado Times Recorder report on the portrait of President Trump that’s scheduled to be placed at the Colorado Capitol in April, the artist describes Trump’s expression as, “Serious, Non-Confrontational, Thoughtful.” Readers added their own descriptions of the photo. Here are some of our favorites:
- “Isn’t it missing something… yeah…jail cell bars.”
- “He looks constipated.”
- “Good dart board.”
- “In other words, he looks unnatural, unrealistic, almost fanciful.”
- “I was just fine with an Alec Baldwin portrait of him dressed up as Trump.”
- “Just a mug shot. Come on, focus people, really, that’s the only shot relevant.”
- “He looks like a prolapsed anus with a dyed orange muskrat pelt on his head! ????”
- “…it’s all in the eye of the beholder … to me, Drumpf appears, impulsive, deceptive, dangerous &
stoooooopid ….
- “Never normalize the PUSSY GRABBER in CHIEF.”
- “He looks Constipated and Prissy, But we
all ready know he’s full of Shit, and a Spoiled Crybaby!”
- “Must be Photoshopped.”
- “When will fb give us a puke emoji besides sad, angry…”
- “This portrait does NOT belong in a CO government office – this is so absurd!”
- “It will need a spit guard
bec It will get spit on every day. Plus the suit is going to need to be changed to orange in January”
- “Why would any state Capitol want a picture of the traitor-in-Chief?”
- “Awful photograph…..BUT….there will be another one taken pretty soon where he will be holding a card with little numbers along the bottom…”
- “So the picture is Fake News then (because he’s never these things)?”
- “Do we have to have one?”
- “I don’t want to see his ugly face anywhere but in a prison cell????????????????????????????????????????????????”
- “So in other words, it’s a complete misrepresentation of who and what he is. Like Trump, it’s a fraud.”