Denver bottom-feeding radio host Peter Boyles is suggesting if Donald Trump gets impeached, “it’s going to go bad” because “the military is going to side with Trump,” and people in red states, who have more guns than folks in blue states, will rise up in violent revolution.

KNUS’ BOYLES: But the military loves Donald Trump. And if somebody goes to make a coup on Donald Trump it’s going to go bad, because — again, according to reading, I have no knowledge of this — the military is going to side with Trump. On the other hand, there are so many people — [chuckling] you know, the guns in America are in the red states. I mean, they’re not in the blue states. They’re in the red states. And you think about what would happen if it got to that. Is there any evidence that if it got to that — and I have — I’m only a reader and a listener — but there are people that would suggest you hang on to your hat if it gets to that.

It’s ugly when a smart guy like Boyles baits his listeners by throwing out information with phrases like “according to reading” and “I’m only a reader and a listener — but there are people that would suggest…”

So I emailed Boyles to find out his sources. What’s he reading? Who’s he listening to? Which people are doing the suggesting?

No response from Boyles, which is a pity, because he was once a credible media figure in Denver.

But he’s become defined by his mean and fact-free attacks on the weak and vulnerable, like immigrants and Muslims. Not to mention his hysterics.

I wouldn’t bother with Boyles, but you don’t want this stuff to fester in the conservative underworld and allow radio host like Boyles to feed it unopposed.

Here’s more from Boyles, as spotlighted by KNUS radio host Craig Silverman Saturday morning:

CALLER “MIKE”: You know,the people that voted Donald Trump in, they didn’t want a politician. They wanted a guy that was a manager.


CALLER “MIKE”: They Wanted a guy that shook things up and made things happen. And I will tell you something: if he is thrown out of office — either through impeachment or through election –.

BOYLES: Watch.

CALLER “MIKE”: There’s going to be an uproar–

 BOYLES: Watch.

CALLER “MIKE”: from the silent majority, like no other.

BOYLES: Watch. I agree with you! Here’s — I’ve been reading these people–.

CALLER “MIKE”: I guarantee you! There’s — So many people are going to be so torqued off, –.

BOYLES: But the military loves Donald Trump. And if somebody goes to make a coup on Donald Trump it’s going to go bad, because — again, according to reading, I have no knowledge of this — the military is going to side with Trump. On the other hand, there are so many people — [chuckling] you know, the guns in America are in the red states. I mean, they’re not in the blue states. They’re in the red states. And you think about what would happen if it got to that. Is there any evidence that if it got to that — and I have — I’m only a reader and a listener — but there are people that would suggest you hang on to your hat if it gets to that.